[WIP] FYRA v250

Home Forums Modding [WIP] FYRA v250

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    I made this model back in 2009 for Locomotion and thought, ‘Hey, why not convert this over to Train Fever?’ So I started working on it again. The models were just cut up and V-Ray color added to render the sprites. Now I have to map all the models and create textures for them which will take a bit. The panto will be the most tedious.

    Here’s a side shot of it. I’ll post a couple more later.


    lets hope it will work better then the real life ones which broke down in the netherlands =)

    would definitely download it


    hehehe, yeah, I should set it up with like a 2 year lifespan so you have to replace it like irl. 🙂


    LOL! I too would love to see this in game, imo it’s actually a nice looking train, designed by the big Ferrari man Pininfarina himself actually. Too bad for the quality of this train irl.


    Here’s a shot of the pantos. Some parts look white but the color is actually a light grey. The light turned them white when rendered for some reason. These were made high poly and might have to be lowered. I don’t want to lose the detail so am going to try them as is for now. I’ll change them if they seem laggy but since the rest of the car has very few polys, they may be ok.

    I can’t figure out how people have their images as links. Can someone tell me how to do that here? Please. Thank you.


    Here’s a couple shots of what I have done so far. The bodies are all new except for the nose of the first car. That I just refined. I made all the doors so they will open. I only show 4 cars because they will get flipped to make the whole train. The front and rear of the train are the same. I still have more to do and I still have to map them all and make the textures. The bogies need to be finished too.

    Can someone tell me if the colors look correct? I’m reg-green colorblind and think they’re close but not sure. If someone knows what the colors actually are, I can use the help, please.

    This is what I used right now;
    red – 213, 18, 18
    blue1 – 163, 163, 204
    blue2 – 199, 199, 204

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Tattoo.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Tattoo.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Tattoo.

    Looking nice Tattoo!



    i really cant wait to get this one running in my game


    one question: How long is the train ingame? (so i now how long my stations need to be


    Terrific job you’re doing! The reds and whites look accurate. The purple needs to be more pink and needs another colour. The colour scheme is -in my layman’s opinion – white/red/red-violet/thistle/white (based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shades_of_purple).


    Thanks, I’m glad ya’ll like it but I’m getting tired of keeping up with 2 posts and I can’t post images here, I have to use an image site. This forum software is lame and we actually have to register on another site just to place an avatar. LAME!!

    I’m only going to keep my other post on the German site updated from now on. And since I can’t post anything here either, there’s no use in me keeping this post alive since I’ll be releasing it there. Here’s the link to my other post for this;


    , I’m sure you meant well but how the hell is that site gonna help me with the colors of this? I wrote I was colorblind so what am I suppose to get from that site? Thanks for trying but that site is useless to me…


    Yea it’s a slight problem we deal with having a community site that uses a system everyone (or the most of us) is used to plus be able to upload and then this one, took me a bit to figure it out. I’ll be uploading my stuff to .net as most of us will is my guess. But I’ll have all my main posts here.

    Nice train Tattoo! even though I think the train it self is strange, don’t like the nose.

    it’s beside the point but I would say it’s more violet-red :p anyway I agree with the folks on .net


    I know what ya mean and I’ll still post here since I believe the devs read posts here. Dunno if they follow the German site at all. I haven’t seen any posts by them there so this IS the main site. I’m just tired of having to post images to an image site to post here. And I can’t post an avatar without registering on a different site. Screw that.

    This site along with the game just has too many limitations and every day I play it, I feel more and more like
    I got ripped off. If it wasn’t for us being able to mod things for it, I’d say this game was a total waste of money. I payed $35.00 for a game that plays horribly and am not liking that at all. And I don’t give a rats azz how small the team is, where the hell are the manuals they said would be released after the release of the game. So how long after the release, a year maybe 2. BS. I’m sorry I spent my money on it so far and am waiting to see if they fix it or not. I would hope that they would because I sure the hell wouldn’t pay for another one of their games if they did make anything else. And if they think they’re getting more money from me for DLCs, they are very mistaken. I find it hard to believe they’re even talking about DLCs when the main game plays so terrible.


    No offense Tattoo, but have you read the article before commenting? The whole reason I linked to that page is because of the color coordinates next to the appropriate colour names, like this:

        Color coordinates

    Hex triplet

    sRGBB  (r, g, b)
    (224, 176, 255)

    CMYKH   (c, m, y, k)
    (12, 31, 0, 0)

    HSV       (h, s, v)


    Looks awesome!

    Do you happen to have blueprints of this train? did you find these on the internet?

    I’m actually really interested in building this train as well, not for Train-Fever, but I actually want to 3D print the model!




    Yeah, no problem Cygnum, it’s just not what I needed.

    And no blueprints, SpoorO. I did it using the image that were available at the time which wasn’t much. The actual train wasn’t even operational yet when I made it and was looking for a drawing or anything of it. When I was almost done with it, I found a video from AutoDesk showing FYRA and there is a side drawing of the nose in it but it was real small like 320×110 and looked bad when enlarged but it helped. There’s a larger, better image of the same drawing floating around now but that’s about it.

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