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I’ve found out that we can send the file to so that they can analyze and exclude it.Have anyone one done it already?


I dont use McAfee and don’t have this issue, but have recently had similar with my own software and Avast.

I only posted to say, everybody with the issue should do as mikas24 pointed out.  McAfee are the ones who need to resolve the issue with their system which is clearly a false accusation, that this game has a virus, which it does not.

If everybody sent the file to whom they pay to protect their system (or in the case of AVG etc, use for free) then surely the AV company providing the false information will have to get their act into gear and issue a patch… and in my opinion an apology.

It took Avast 2 days to resolve the issue where it reported my software as a virus after a live update.. Only 2 days and they streamed an update out to all their users and apologised for the inconvenience they caused me and I am not a customer of theirs, never have been.  If McAfee cannot resolve this for their paying customers, then you.. the paying customer.. should be forwarding your complaints directly to them.


Edit: If you want some kind of confirmation that the file is not a virus, upload it to
Its pretty clear that with a detection ratio of 4/55 (2 of those being McAfee and 2 that I have never heard of) it is a false positive.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by FX2K.
  • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by FX2K.