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I pretty much agree with all of the above… especially the bus lanes – trying to achieve the Truck Fever achievement is a chore when, as soon as the cars turn up, pretty much, they’re sitting in the bus lanes when there’s free lanes beside them… it’s almost as if the bus lanes don’t work half the time.

Achievement: Museum Line doesn’t work either.

I’d also love to see the planner with a little more intelligence – if you put one-way signals on a line, but the line is broken, instead of having the arrows disappear, how about working out the most likely path we intend and have the arrows stop at the broken piece of track – going along a lane of track is a real pain in the neck… only to find that there’s a sliver of track missing where we thought we’d joined them.

Extend the passenger 20 minutes rule – in real life, we have buses that take half an hour or more and are half an hour apart, so why the short delay in-game? Also, more bus stops – preferably, like the railway stations mentioned above, where we can upgrade as we go – perhaps one that, instead of the “bus terminal” type we have now, having a “drive through” type that we have in the UK in places, and so improve capacity. By the same reasoning, for the love of… give us a reason to use “full load” for industries!!

It’s a good game, but there’s just so much more that could have been done, I think.