Reply To: Cities Skylines is out and Urban Games should take notice

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Rail crossings counts for several issues : – not being able to update a road type when it’s crossing a train line (and not being able to destroy/rebuild the same road even when the game is paused because of the f**ing Main Connection limitation) … it might be a missing feature, not a bug, but it’s really a stupid one for this kind of games. The whole point of the game is to build train lines and roads ! We should not be limited in our creativity by such technical limitations !

– not being able to lay a road over a train line (same comment than above … it’s really stupid not to have this feature in such a game)

– not being able to have rail/rail crossings


Terrain alignment : how many times have I been blocked while trying to complete my train line, because the game is not able to level the terrain, even in the middle of nowhere ? how many times have I been blocked while trying to update a road type/train line type because of a small terrain misalignment ? how many times have I lost millions of bucks trying to build a f***ink tunnel/bridge ? (I’m not even talking about double bridges/tunnels)

And how many times have I been blocked while electrifying an existing train line because of 1 tiny small pixel of line not being electrified automatically. If the update tool is not able to electrify 100% of a line, we should get a least a warning to show us :

a) when the electrification is not complete

b) where the missing part is located


20mn rule : I agree with you, this is part of the game core.

The problem is that the rule completely disrupts the goods transportation scheme, and forces users to create single lines even for passengers (in all my TF maps, I have trains running from one city to the next one … I have never been able to set up a profitable train line with one train stopping at several stations).


These are all small issues taken individually, but once you start piling them up, it really starts to spoil the fun you have in this game.

I’m not saying that CS does not have flaws that I might discover over time. But at least CS doesn’t have this type of issues, which makes the game much more fun to use than TF. You don’t spend half an hour trying to build something, to discover at the end that you are blocked because of a Main Connection limitation or a problem of terrain alignment.