Reply To: I have the game on Steam but it's only some kind of early release (?)

Home Forums Support I have the game on Steam but it's only some kind of early release (?) Reply To: I have the game on Steam but it's only some kind of early release (?)


You have the full version, and it’s a great game.

I’m very pragmatical, and like to dive into things to try and find out how they work. This game is very peculiar, and need a bit of understanding and technical knowlegde of programming techniques to be able to play it smoothly. I can imagine that for those who like to go by a manual to learn the howtos, they might have a bit of difficulty to grasp the game. This game lacks all type of information on how to play it. But I’m sure the developers are working on it.

About your accusations:

no AI? That’s how this game has been presented, so no surprise here, but as intended.
horrible UI? UI is doing a great job! city development, cargo hubbing, path finding, signaling…. All very convincing!
lack of content, very few kind of factories? Agree, they are working on it, Mod community is getting under steam.
– crashes, bugs? A few, but developers are working on it on highest priority!
no waypoints, dynamic stations? On the wish list of many, but without is’t a nice challenge to get things done.
no manual? Agree, read above
pathfinding errors? You mentioned in fact the lack of waypoint and alternative paths again, because the pathfinding itself is more then ok.
very limited and static industries? The game follows the 20-minute concept. That’s fine, but also would like to sse a more complex economical model added to drive the 20-minute system. So, again, see “lack of content”?
no multiplayer? The game never claimed to be multi-player.
lack of information about further updates? I would also like to see the developer’s list of priorities and work-ons, but this has nothing to do with the playability of the game itself.
no hybrid stations? Again, repetition, see “lack of content”
etc… out of ideas?

Your statement is true the this game lacks all information about how to play it, by what rules one has follow to make things work. It need a good manual, in-game help-tools and clear feedback reporting upon conflicts or errors! But beside that, I don’t see a lot of critisism.

Again, as a pragmatician, I’m having a great time, and adore the challenges to get to know and understand the game. This game is a great concept with a lot of potential. I’ll recomment it to anyone who’s in for having fun with trains, trucks and busses.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Yeol.