Reply To: I have the game on Steam but it's only some kind of early release (?)

Home Forums Support I have the game on Steam but it's only some kind of early release (?) Reply To: I have the game on Steam but it's only some kind of early release (?)




You’re not working for an online mag. You sound like a disappointed customer – but as you’ve mentioned above: you didn’t paid for this version. But you feel cheated.

Did you got your “free copy” from a filesharing portal? They’re full of Train-Fever versions. People downloading this 4 free are just a bunch of ass*oles. Train-Fever isn’t expensive. I got it by amazon boxed for 20,– Euro. Other games, which are way more buggier (like the ea or ubisoft ones) are selled around 60 / 70 Euro – with a LOAD of lesser gameplay!


Yes, Train-Fever needs to get polished a little bit. But it’s running fine on my system. I like the ui and signals works too. So please make a good bug list and post it in this forum or stop trolling. Sarcasm is the wrong way to inform the developers of your feelings.

Sorry, but i love this game. It’s a long time, that i spent 100+ hours for a game. And to be honest: I like this one more than Transport Tycoon Deluxe (which i’ve played every day for hours on an 486 DX4/100 – at it has stuttered too, if there were was too much traffic! Way more stuttered then Train-Fever on full load).