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I have actually taken an approach that I have not read about on here. I placed a large 5 track train in a place on the map that is relatively equidistant from 5 cities. Then connected all five cities to this one HUB. Any passenger can get from any city to another by using the center Hub. Each city has an internal bus system that feeds the train as well as bus service to the next one or two closest cities. The cities that are out past these initial five are connected to the existing station in each city. Once this was done i focused on Goods. Rather than connecting tons of goods producers I focus on one. Connect it to three cities that are close and feed it. It will start upgrading and hit a limit of 400 but producing just over 200. Then I tweak the system and let the cities grow. They will have headroom as they start to demand a few more goods here and there, the goods manufacturer will be able to compensate. Then I spread outwards from there. Goods can be moved from one station to another before being sent to the final destination so I try to create overlapping networks. For example :

Station A feeds goods to station B and C which are cities.

Station D feeds goods to cities C and E.

C is a shared city goods stop – Goods can go from A to E by sitting at C for a short amount of time and then continuing on and Visa Versa. In this way if a city grows, the flow of goods can by dynamic.