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229 Hours of Gameplay and yes i found out a way to stop the traffic jam………….so it seems to be that the cars are not the biggest lag issue 🙂

1. upgrade all Streets in town to Maximum size with bus and tram line

2. try to get above 70% linefrequency passengers

3. enjoy the reduced traffic

4. tested in Citys with up to 1400 people with tram lines from town to town with

Town A to B with 20 Trams and the same in the other direction from B to A with 20 Trams (6Stations per town in a circle spreaded around the citycenter)

5. negative Points it will be laggy sooner or later :-) and you have to spend a lot of Money for City micromanagement

greetings Markus

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by SFG.