Reply To: [TOOL] Train Fever Game Manager

Home Forums Modding [TOOL] Train Fever Game Manager Reply To: [TOOL] Train Fever Game Manager


This game needs such a major re-start. It is unlikely modders will ever save the game as it has so many out of balance issues which combined with the surreal track and road building system (“Error: Illegal”) are insurmountable problems.

This bunch of programmers created the most complicated track and road building system in the history of computing. The consumers didn’t bite and the crowd funders lost their money. Everyone lost.

I was lucky enough to only pay 1 1/2 London pints of beer on this rubbish. Nothing is balanced in pricing or passenger capacity terms, and 90% of track/road building efforts end up with a laughable “Illegal” error.

I hope this firm quickly disappears into a side note of history, where it belongs.