Reply To: [WIP] KiwiRail DL class

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Thx guys 🙂

no sry  Jonathan078NL I do want to start on dutch trains but when I’ve finished my planned DL class & AK carriages from KiwiRail. I’ll be busy for quite some time on top of that my laptop died, so I can only work at home now. I’m not really sure about re-do’s of models others are all ready working on. If DrimeNL doesn’t finish his/hers then I probably would.

I was thinking the best way to explain is by making a tutorial as missing stuff will crash the game, just the format I’m unsure of (video will take a bit as I’ve never done one before otherwise a new forum thread to discuss discovered stuff). Just thinking about making a video gives me more respect for you olahaldor xD I’ll see what I can do bit late to start now.

Till then how I discovered it was, mashing door animations with realizing how the events work. also took a dive into the lua scripts to understand the drive event. (but trust me it’s as easy as setting up a door)