A question on goods

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    Is it possible to transport goods onwards to another town from an intermediate cargo station?

    For example in my current game I have a decent oil well serving two towns but want to extend to a third town. I have a cargo station in one town that I deliver to anyway but can my trains on one line deliver to this station to be loaded onto the line serving the third town I want to add?

    I hope that made sense


    It is all possible, if you are within 20 minutes limit.

    You can extend your line to go to one more cargo station and some of goods will just stay on the train until getting there. Just keep in mind that the goods have to “walk” to industries after that and that time is also counted towards 20 minutes limit.


    Cargo transfer works

    Sure, that’s train – truck – train but train to train works too (even more smoothly).

    You’ll get shortfalls until your industry starts supplying enough to properly supply both towns though.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Person012345.

    from my experience anything with train->truck combination is in general a bad idea. mostly because trains start to be profitable delivering ~50 items, and truck station capacity is ~18, so many goods/materials end up lost.

    Person012345, did you manage to make this combo profitable?


    I just set it up to test because there was a thread a while back where there was confusion about whether goods would transfer from train to truck and vice versa. So I scienced it. It took all my money and obviously wasn’t profitable because the industries were barely putting anything out in the beginning.

    I have had another truck to train transfer that was profitable though, some trucks make a short hop to a nearby station carrying iron ore and then a train takes it to a steel works.


    yeah, truck->train is very useful, but not vice versa..


    I could see some use in terrain that is not conducive to running a train track, since road is much more flexible but yeah.

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