Antivirusprogramm McAfee isoliert Datei

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  • #4349

    Hallo zusammen.

    Ich kann Train Fever nicht fertig installieren, da mein Antivirusprogramm McAfee die Datei “TrainFever.exe W32/NGVCK.d” isoliert. Dieses Problem hatte ich bei anderen Spielen noch nie, darum möchte ich nachfragen was es mit dieser Datei auf sich hat. Ich möchte hier auch niemanden was böses unterstellen und weiss das bestimmte Virenprogramme auch gerne übereifrig reagieren, aber sicher ist sicher und man hat im nachhinein klarheit.

    Schönen Gruss aus dem Aargau ins schöne Schaffhausen




    bei mir auch dasselbe.  Im Moment hilft nur, McAfee Echtzeitscan deaktivieren, dann in Steam die Dateien überprüfen lassen, danach kann man spielen.

    @TrainFever Team, bitte DRINGEND mit McAfee klären das eure TrainFever.exe als vertrauenswürdig eingestuft wird.

    Leider können wir auf unserem rechner keine Ausnahme für die Datei definieren, das erlaubt McAfee nicht


    Ich hoffe das wird bald gefixt. Heute morgen schon wieder nach dem Update wird die Trainfever exe gelöscht.  Der Workaround ist bekannt, trotzdem nervt es sehr.


    Das selbe passiert auch bei mir, habe für den download und die installation den ecchtzeit abgeschalten, aber sobald ich ihn wieder einschalte ist die exe wieder verschwunden, sehr nervig…


    Wir haben McAfee &  AVG kontaktiert und warten nun auf eine Reaktion. Sobald wir mehr wissen werden wir euch hier informieren.

    Bis dahin gibt es nur den Workaround mit dem deaktivieren des Echtzeit-Scanners.


    We’ve contacted McAfee & AVG, now we’re waiting for a respond. As soon as we know something we’re going to inform you here.

    For now you have to disable the real-time scanner as a workaround. 


    Any feedback Form mcafee yet?


    Just wanted to keep up on this thread to see if the McAfee issue is solved.  How does one “disable the real-time scanner.”



    It seems like it didnt post what i wrote.

    To deactivate  the real time scan of mcafee simply right click on the mcafee icon on the right side oft he task bar. Somewhere in the menu you can find a point „real-time scan“ or german „Echtzeit Scan“, click on it and deactivate the scan.

    Maybe you have to re-download the game because the .exe file has already been isolated, do that while the scan is deactivated.
    If the download is finished, copy the.exe file on an usb drive ( so you can activate the scan after playin and dont have to re-download everytime you want to play)
    Dont forget to unplug the usb drive before you activate the scan again, otherwise the your usb drive will be scanned and the .exe file will be isolated.


    Issue is not fixed yet.  Still the same behavoir. Annoying


    Der Fehler tritt immernoch auf, die Datei wird fleissig gelöscht und das wars.  Nervt !


    Seriously folks–is something actively being done to fix this problem?  I have several games, both on Steam and off that I’ve had no problem installing/playing with McAfee.  Please let us know you are working on it!


    The obvious solution is to get rid of McAfee. John McAfee has published direction on how to uninstall:

    He has also gone public to say he no longer has anything to do with the antivirus company after he sold it, and that he recommends not to use what it has turned into.



    Good suggestion!  Now at least I can load the game.  Was trying the first tutorial and did get the two stops down … but then went into a Not Responding mode.  Oh well, different problem, if it persists I guess I will have to start another query.


    I have never needed to disable Mcafee before to run any game at all, nor any other commercial product as a matter of fact.

    TrainFever.exe is not going to be the first.

    Replacing Mcafee or disabling it to be able to play this title, then backup the game to an external support and disconnect it from the computer before enabling the anti-virus again, it is a complete joke. Not a solution.

    If a fix isn’t found, I will drop Train Fever -a game title, not Mcafee that protects my computers and home network.

    Is not a hard choice, is it? 🙂



    Don’t know where you heard that someone claimed that this would be the solution. It is obviously just a temporary way to start the game.

    And deleting the game is also not a solution. I hope McAfee will do something about that.


    That’s assuming the problem lies completely on Mcafee side.
    Mcafee detects this virus by heuristics, so I suspect some workarounds may have been decided when compiling this title.

    I’ve never played this game before, but I was completely hooked on Trains & Trucks Tycoon (Schiene und Strasse) for several years, I believe last time I’ve played was just one or two years ago.

    So my expectations about this title are very high. I believe it has the potential to be the “train game” I’ve had expected for a long long time, and one to play for long hours, days, weeks and years.

    This means, I’m not going to completely give up on it.  Maybe I do it for the time being. I do feel highly disappointed. 😛

    I’ve subscribed this mailing list (worldpress) and never got a single email, because of that, I’ve subscribed it again at some point. But still not a single email.So today I was completely surprised to found out the title already available on Steam, got it immediately without looking for other sources just to get it in that moment …and step on this problem.


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