[MOD] Anybody planning to make a NS ”Nederlandse Spoorwegen” trainset?

Home Forums Modding [MOD] Anybody planning to make a NS ”Nederlandse Spoorwegen” trainset?

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    Just saw the American mod pack where you mentioned the progress. Seems to get along nicely. Really excited for getting to play Train fever, especially when the yellow and blue dutch trains are available!

    Are there also some non-content hurdles for getting them in the game or is it mainly graphics and objects creation? I have modding experience in Crusader Kings II and would be willing to see whether I can help.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Nivve.

    Hmm interesting, didn’t know they were this far ahead 🙂
    Have been moving to a new house and only now noticed all the mods @ the beta forum as well.

    My main issue is creating textures 😉
    Creating the mesh is the easy part.


    SpoorObjecten, contact me, post at olahaldor dot net. We can talk textures. And modeling 🙂

    (there should really, really be an english community for mods and mods making!)


    Sure, sent you an email 30min ago 🙂


    Nice to see this unravelling so quickly, also good to see you’re all willing to collaborate with each other. If we collaborate we can make things much easier and done quicker.

    I’m willing to help with whatever, modelling is not my thing though but I’m not to old to learn. I’m also willing to help with other things aswell. Good job, keep it up.



    Hey Olahaldor, I saw your work on a Norwegian Stadler, very nicely done. It’s looking fabolous. In Holland we also have a Stadler (Spurt) GTW from 2 different transport companies Arriva and Veolia. The model is slightly different then yours.

    Maybe you can help us with that too 😛

    Here’s are 2 pics:



    I was wondering, Christrains allready made alot of models (high-res) for Train Simulator 2014, do you think it’s possible to use them for Train Fever? If so, I can get alot of  the models he made! Hope to hear from you soon.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Jonathan078NL.

    So… community made trains are confirmed as working. 😀
    Merk on the beta forums shared this screenshot and had this to say.

    I used the time between the beta phases to take a look into Train Fevers 3D file types.
    After some work, today I succesfully exported a train from Blender into the .msh and .msh.blob files used by Train Fever.
    Combined with some further editing of the .mdl and .mtl files, I was able to get the train into the game, as you can see on the Screenshot.

    The model was originaly created for CiM, so it still has to be adapted a bit (e.g the bogies are from the br 218, it has no animated doors and the whole model needs some more details), but I wanted to show you what is already possible.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Mansen. Reason: Bad url tag


    It would have to be a completely new model because of quite a few big differences from my model. My main focus right now is on the Norwegian trains though, since that’s my home country. 🙂


    Very, very nice, It think this game will have alot of added train models in short period of time. We should actually try more CiM models and adjust them slightly. That way we’ll have an enormous train collection before Christmas. 😀


    I would really love to see this as well :).


    Hi Guys,

    The NS E 186 001 is done, it’s very detailed. Great job done. Take a look:




    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Jonathan078NL.

    Hello SpoorObjecten,

    Here I found a converter tool, with this you should be able to convert .obj files to .msh &.msh.blob, I hope this can help you to implement the NS trains into Train Fever!


    Here’s the link:


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Jonathan078NL.

    Like said before, I will only start modelling once I have UG tools 🙂

    Or will give it a try once there is a proper tutorial on how to do it  😉 don’t feel like having to test and try stuff before getting it working.
    Don’t really have the time to do so 🙂


    Hey SpoorObjecten,

    I understand that, I expect it’s not that easy. I noticed that you contacted olaholdor for texturing before. He’s allready testing and adjusting his train within train fever, I’m sure he can explain to you how to use the tool, how to implement the trains ingame. I hope you can get your trains working, that will be awesome!

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