Bridges over lines.

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    Hello there,

    Just a few time playing but, I can’t get a road or a train line go over one the other using bridges. It always say it fails to change the terrain or things like that.

    Is there a way to do so? Or maybe it’s not yet implemented in the game? Which could be really an issue for me as I like to do proper lines, especially in later game with electricity and high speed train and avoid all road crossings.

    Thank you for your help.


    I think I found some way to do so but it require a lot of free terrain to do so. I’ll try and show the results 😉


    I have been having issues making bridges over track using the default bridge style as well, so I usually change it to another. I also don’t know if you are aware of this already, but you can customise the slope of the track by clicking on the little slope icon near the end of the track piece you are currently building to toggle between manual and automatic slope selection.


    I’m aware of it, but thank you for saying it ! But I have another issue… I can’t get a road to cross my line… I’m trying to make a bridge but the game is always unable to align terrain or something like that…


    I’m in agreement with all of you…unfortunately, without a manual we can’t get any idea of what kind of “room” we need to do things like bridges, crossings, etc.  I do seem to remember from a Youtube “lets play” that you can cross rail over a road, but not vice versa…to do that, you’d have to delete rail, run the road through, and then add the rail.  My memory might be incorrect tho.


    I thought it was for standard road crossing, not for overpass… anyway I cheated, I made a tunnel 😉


    There is also an issue that you can’t make level crossings at the points where roads split into parts.


    You just need enough free terrain to create a proper upward slope and it works fine.

    The one (and only) example for this in my current game:


    I have found some tutorial that shows among other things how to build track overpass.


    I managed to build a bridge carrying a road over the railway by using the terraform tool to raise two ridges, one either side of the railway, first. I was then able to bridge across from one ridge to the other and then build the approach roads.


    This is easily the most frustrating thing about this game – why is it so incredibly picky about terrain? Is there a patch scheduled to fix this? Bridges are completely hit-and-miss, and unless you remember to save before hand you can throw millions away trying to get a stupid bridge built.


    But if you have the millions to spare, you can have some fun! I’ve been experimenting with semi-sunken stations to I can put road bridges over the line without them being so strongly arched. My latest example:

    (Bigger, non-distorted picture on here:

    Somehow one bridge ended up with no middle support pillar. Most times I’ve tried it, you have to be very careful to arrange the bridge so the middle pillar ends up between the two sets of tracks, like the other end of this town:

    (Bigger picture here:

    The basic depression for the tracks was made using several long roads and the “N” key to push them down, then deleting the roads. I tend to use roads for a lot of terrain sculpting. 😉  You can see the work I put into making the slopes as nice as I could, but of course after a few years the game has plopped in some buildings with abrupt, sharp foundation terrain. Oh well.

    (Bigger picture here:

    Be sure to have a good supply of cash if you want to build this sort of thing. Including demolishing a fair chunk of the original town, I seem to recall it added up to about $25 million to build this setting.

    Good fun though. 😉

    (Edited to add proper picture links)

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Klinn.
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Klinn.

    These solutions look incredibly awesome.

    I just wish building was easier / faster, hopefully after a few weeks we get some improvements. I find the terraforming tool VERY unintuitive (if that’s a word…).


    building bridges is frustrating … I had a lot of troubles building bridges over tracks ..  then I found that the easiest way is to raise the terain on both sides of the track .. buid a small bridge over the gap .. and then another two on both sides  to connect tracks on base level.

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