Im trying for 3 days to improve my bus/tram network. But some of my lines are not giving me any money. So, i came here for ask you some questions for improve my lines.
1) First, whats better ? A “A-B-C-A” line or a “A-B-C-D-C-B-A” line ? Why ?
2)Then, i would to understand how you begin our games, with 1, 2 or 3 lines in each city ?
Generally i make one line who travel around the residential zone then goes in the industries and markets, one line who travel around residential then goes to the train station, and a third line who will deserve all stations who haven’t any connections.
3) I guess that the second bus unlocked (when you begin in the early 1850) is very expensive (not in the cost price but in the maintenance cost). Im i supposed to wait for the next bus and still playing with carriages ?
Thanks for your help, and sorry for my bad english. I hope i’ll be correctly understood.