How to keep distance between trains ??

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    If you have two trains going from city A to city B there is no problem between train distance, but if you have a double track connecting multiple cities in a row … there I have a lot of problems keeping all trains spread around.

    what tactics and approaches you use?

    For example … I have a line A – B – C – D – E and back… I have 8 trains on that line .. I managed somehow with signals to prevent two trains to get to one city to soon one after another but looking on entire line is allways something like:

    5-6 trains going from A to D … and 2-3 trains going from D to A … I’d like to have 4 trains going A-D and other 4 from D-A …

    in short .. is even possible to spread trains on entire network ?


    you could try to make 2 train depots, one on each end of the track and let 4 trains depart from each


    I did, but sooner or later it’s a mess again because  distances between cities are not equal and there is also loading/unloading time


    Put signals only on the way out of the stations. This way a train will never move to the next station until the previous train has done the same. Doing this you have a limit of trains that can run on the line, but they will keep distance between them. Using this set up on a line between 5 cities with 7 trains is working pretty well, and with 15m of benefits.

    You can also use this configuration only at some points of the line, for example only between the more crowded stations, so the bigger loading times doesn’t make that all the trains get together. But be carefull because you can make a bottleneck.


    I solved this problem by placing no signals at all between the stations. This way, the train 1 leaves the station A only if  the train 2 has already left the station B, which does so only if the train 3 has left the station C etc. This way, there can’t happen, that two trains arrive at one station shortly after each other and stay spread out.


    I will try to remove all signals ..  the only problem I see if the distance between city B and C is far greater than A and B …

    Traian Trante

    yeah, place signals the usual way, but on ONE egment, remove the signals.


    This problem can easily be solved by the the introduction of timetables for train lines.  Timetables are used by railways the world over, making them totally appropriate.

    Could the devs please consider this as a welcome upgrade?



    let’s say A -> B = 3km and B -> C = 4km.

    To space them out evenly place a signal between B en C at 1km out. Problem solved.

    However, even spacing is never really possible because there isn’t an even passenger count on all stations, so loading/unloading wil take longer/shorter each time.



    for example => A -> B = 3km and B -> C = 4km  …. place a signal between B en C at 1km out

    …. that would be ok if you could measure the distance in some way.  If you have straight lines, then you can  guess where to put the signal to create equal distances … but if one route is curved and other straight . there is no way to know it


    Place 2 trains, one on A->B and other on B->C, stop them at the station and then release them at the same time (you can do it on each train info window). Check them and when one of them (hopefully A-B since its shorter) is nearing station, stop them again. Then you will place a signal on the spot the train that has not reached the station stopped (B-C).

    It wont be 100% perfect, but it will provide a “close approximation”, given both trains run at same speed and you dont have huge slow-down areas (close sharp turns or huge elevations) on any given track.


    I think it would be very usefull if you were just able to put a checkpoint at the end of the line and if you have a frequency of 6 minutes let one train leave every 6 or 7 minutes, this way the train wont clog the station and line will be event out more


    indeed, we need a timetable for trains because they do not spread out evenly. to get a nice spread you almost need a seperate track for each line (passenger and cargo) which results i wide railways which could be much smaller with a timetable


    It’s a bit of a workaround. But what seems to work good for me is splitting the line up. Line 1 is from A to B and back line 2 is from B to C and back, and so on.


    yea i thought about splitting lines into multiple smaller ones .. but I want some realisem here … is crazy to change train on each station to get to the next city …

    game needs some improvements in this fields .. and many others to. I hope they release some patch asap because this game should be an early access and not finished product.

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