I built about 100 different stage coach lines in the first few years of the game. All of a sudden, here comes 15 years and I’m told to replace all my stage coaches.. This can be a real hassle. How to do this? Is there a replacement function? Or do I have to go back to the depot and retire each and every one and buy new equipment?
There is no replacement tool. Easiest way seeing as there all the same age is clicking the send to depot and sell icon. Then buy new vehicles and set the line.
You can replace just the engine by clicking the X above the engine when it’s in the depot. Buy a new engine and it’ll take over the existing carriages.
open the line dialog and click the $ icon to sell all vehicles on the line
buy the replacement vehicles from a depot and set them all to the line
This is the only way that I’ve found to do this that doesn’t seem to affect customers using the line through the frequency changing due to no vehicles being assigned while the sim is running. Obviously it’s no good if you only want to replace some of the vehicles too.
I do it as Morat described. Even if I added a vehicle to a line later, and it hasn’t yet reached its replacement age yet, I sell it nonetheless with the whole bunch. Maybe not as efficient money-wise, but more than made up by not having to click-send to depot – sell each vehicle manually.
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