Large save files, quick and dirty solution

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    The save files are huge, for a large map its about 250MB, and with one autosave for every year that’s a woping 40GB of data. If that is on a SSD that’s like $10 of space.

    A quick and easy solution is to compress the folder with the save games. In some versions of windows (I.E. windows 7) there is folder compression. I tried it on a folder with a hand full of save games, original 1.5GB of data, after compression 830MB of data, that’s 45% reduction in size.
    1: Find the folder with the save games.
    2: Right click in the folder (don’t enter it)

    3: Press “Advanced” button
    4: Check “Compress contents to save disk space”
    5: Check “Include subfolders”
    6: Press OK.

    First time this will take a while, depending on processor and number of saved games. It might take a second or so extra when saving a game and also loading game, it was not noticeable on my computer.

    Also, it don’t affect the general game performance. And it will also automatically compress every new save game.

    To save more space go in and clean up the folder



    In linux just make a symlink for the save directory that points to a hard disk. 🙂


    Thats a way two, i bet you can GZ the directory to…..

    I wounder if there is any similar way to do this on windows, having the save drives on the harddrive would make that much more scene.


    Symbolic links are also possible in MS-Windows. If you look for it on the net, you will find lot’s of sites with info and howtos. Two of them:


    Jej… that could work, but a tad complicated for me. Some things is a lot easier in linux.


    Symbolic links work well with the game in Windows.
    Tried and tested:

    moved \Steam\userdata\<UR STEAM ID>\ to different hard drive.

    used make link  to create a journal entry (mklink /j) to point from the old location to the new.

    No more running out of space on the SSD.

    This method work with virtually any game.


    If you are running Windows on a SSD you should have setup symbolic links in the first place. And right after the windows installation and it boots for the first time. We do this in Audit mode.

    All my program files and documents are stored on the HDD drive instead of the SSD. While the OS is running on the SSD. I can still choose to install important heavy programs on the SSD (for faster loading) but you want your temporary files and your downloads and user files on the HDD drive anyway. 1, because you want your SSD lifetime extended (writing a lot on SSD is not a very good idea) and 2, save space.

    Here is a good guide for installing Windows 7 on a  SSD while other program files are stored on another drive. This is also a very good practice anyway, even if you do not have an SSD disk. Why? Well when your Windows or the hard disk it is installed on fails to work.. you can easily replace it without losing your personal files and programs. Of course you would have to re-install the programs but must programs will pickup where you were before the ‘crash’.

    Because i absolutely hate Windows 8 (i’m on a PC, not a freaking tablet) i do not know how to do this in Windows 8 but i think the routine is the same.

    Relocate User folders during Windows 7 installation.pdf

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Nique.

    Its a good idea, personalty i still stick with moving just the save folder, Train fever is not that big of a game, and it really needs the preformance boast loading the textures. (at least on my computer).

    But i agree, having temperaty and download files on the primary drive is kind of strange, why isn´t there e clear choose when installing windows. I most older Unix like environment it was quite easy to do this.

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