[Request] Vehicles on the same line using different platforms

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    George, I think what the game needs is the following:

    1. Fares based on distance covered over time (Faster trains, higher fares) , agents who have “income” levels. Richer agents would choose a higher fare if there is a choice between slow/cheap and fast/expensive.

    2. no time limit. Why you say? Agent first evaluates the route by travelling it, if the agent feels it can reach the destination faster by car, it takes their car next time.

    3. Money cost for taking a car: depending on the agents income level if the transport is significantly cheaper than the car, they will take it. If it’s much faster, but more expensive than the car and they are a higher income level they’ll take it.

    4. Parking garages. Higher income agents would drive to train stations and take it from there. They could take a care out on the far side to simulate taking a taxi.

    5. toll roads. We can upgrade roads between cities but there is zero incentive to do so. It costs us money and we get nothing back and potentially damage our transport lines by giving the cars a better faster route. Allow us to add tolls, receive income and have it calculated into the agents decision on which way to go.

    Essentially what we would see with this is a mix of use for services.

    Poor people would often take the bus and train the full length.

    Medium income may or may not take the bus, depending on time/cost and would pretty much always take the train

    Rich people would basically never take the bus and always take the train.

    The decision to take the train may be dependent on service to an area. If there is a direct line going to the city they’d always take it. However if they need to take a scenic roundabout journey to get there, maybe even with a transfer, they’d start weighing time/cost. How they assign these income levels to agents can be arbitrary it’s not really necessary for it to be consistent. Maybe something like 30% poor 50% middle income and 20% rich or something like that.
    It would also make both slow and express trains very viable to run on lines. Poor people would always try to take some cheap option, even if it’s much slower (like an older train)

    I’d also like to see some changes to stations to facilitate this. We should be able to put “middle tracks” in between platforms (PTTP) so that express trains can zip through. Ideally the two way track would run directly through middle, and we could add connections off those to the platforms for the slower trains to stop on. As it is, express trains need to pass somewhere else, or we need to run a line around the station.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by crossmr.


    well interesting ideas. It would be nice. However, those changes and calculations needs serious CPU load. I have tried recently stop trains manually, so the people was massing stations. I have long stations. The game start to be jumpy. At the moment I have released the trains so the amount of agents on the streets went down, the game start to work smooth. All your ideas sound great, but would cause severe CPU hit. More over they sound to me like a design document for Train fever 2 rather then improvement to the current. :-] I belive, our ideas should be doable, use the current system and extend it. Spit an idea for perfect game would be just pure fantasy.

    Well, the idea of parking lot next to train station is great and doable. Maby an undergound upgrade to the station ?

    Some bonus for connecting cities, and industries by roads would be good. But tolls?

    What about:

    Industry – will have 1/2 productivity if dont have a road connection to the nearest city. You could pump up the productivity change speed by delivering people to the factory (from the nearest city, there should be a label what is nearest one).

    City to city connection – the agents would receive time threshold to use their own cars based on the road improvement  we did.

    Example: Basic connection created by the map generation takes 300 seconds by car. Player build a tunnel which makes the route 2 seconds shorter. Well, the agents now receives +150% seconds penalty to this route–> 2s*150%= + 3 seconds for calculating usage this route by their own car. So we have a game rule set where the player would like to improve roads, because agents tend to prefer use your trains, or buses on the same road. :-]

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by gGeorg.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by gGeorg.

    Georg, simcity made these calculations 15 years ago, cities in motion makes them now. it shouldn’t be a major issue, if the game was optimized properly, which it isn’t.

    I don’t know if delivering people to the industry is very viable. We already have “work” districts in the city. A single factory out in the middle of nowhere hardly needs that many people, not enough to justify a train and usually too far for a bus.

    Tolls are perfect, it’s what they do in real life. If they need to recoup the cost for a new road, they put a toll. In this case, even though we aren’t the government, when we build a road, we’re paying maintenance on that road. building roads is a losing angle in this game. There is no way to recoup any cost from it at all.


    I like the ‘Tolls’ idea but it would be useless in my games now. I play without many cars now since I found out to edit the speed to 10 mph. Now I have no traffic jams and my stations have passengers when before it was all messed up.

    If they fix the car mess one day, I might have more in my games but for now I’ll run with very few cars.

    And I agree with crossmr. This is 2014. The games now a days should be able to calculate what he mentioned with how powerful our computers are now. This game just isn’t optimized properly like mentioned many times by many players. I’m hoping this small team will figure it out to make it better.


    If they fix the car mess one day, I might have more in my games but for now I’ll run with very few cars.

    There is no issue with. I agree that it is not easy to understand the game mechanics.
    You are already a member of the German Fan-page.

    Please read:


    if you set each station to the same line twice, they will use different platforms (if they are free) for each “lap”.


    There is no issue with. I agree that it is not easy to understand the game mechanics.
    You are already a member of the German Fan-page.

    Please read:


    There is no issue with. ??? What are you trying to say here? Please explain. And yes, I am a member of the German site but most of the posts are in German and the translators suck and confuse me more so I don’t read much there. So I’m not about to read, or try to read, a full page of something in another language that I won’t understand without knowing why I should. I did look at it but have no idea what I’m suppose to get from it.

    EDIT: I read the first 2 posts there and they are talking about trams. I was talking about cars so I don’t see the significance of reading more.


    We all know how to play the game Kiwi. If you deny that car traffic is an issue then it’s probably you who doesn’t know what they’re doing. Besides which “just understand the game mechanics and it’s fine” is not ever an argument. I want to feel like I’m building a transport network, not that I’m playing a game where I have to be constantly aware of the mechanics. If the mechanics require you to play around them, rather than them behaving properly and realistically, then they’re broken.


    I think his point is that if you did a good job of providing transport needs before cars become popular then you won’t have the problem as they won’t have a need for that many cars.

    Personally I have to admit I’ve never had really frustrating problems with cars especially since the last patch and the junction improvement. In my first game I had some issues until I realised how the game works. And yes all my cities are connected and roads even upgraded. In the city too I only build bus lanes on select bottleneck sections where needed and don’t block the traffic too much – some street rework is sometimes needed. I also happily build small roads just make sure my buses stick to main ones. In the late game you have to concentrate on long distance train connections that cars can’t compete with. I suspect that’s what the devs intended – the reason is probably to keep the game challenging. In TTD and most other games once you have a profitable line it would be almost impossible to go bankrupt. Since this game has no AI player then the mechanics make the game challenging.

    And I have to say that I like it – there’s the easy option of destroying roads between towns or just making them longer to ease the number of cars choosing to travel.

    One thing I’ve found with this game – if you’re not sure how something works just remember they tried to make it as realistic as they could and take a guess.


    @TrainInfluenza: I also make my train connections longer in the later years. This is a rather slow and cumbersome process, because now I have to rebuild most of my rail networks to accommodate faster and longer distance lines, but its part of the fun and I really enjoy it.

    That’s why a person have to get as many millions in the early years to make provision for rebuilds in the later years and be able to pay the partial losses when the lines begin to run. Most people don’t grasp this concept and don’t understand why they loosing money. This game is focused on continual development, this is why I love this game so much and give me endless fun on the map, even if I already connected all the towns, there is always room for improvement and expansion.


    Exactly @fransgelden and you can see how the cargo was an afterthought in the design and why it’s easier to make money on it. To address that they could change industries through the ages – by having many types of goods  (cars / TVs / oil lamps etc.) and as the years progress their demands would change and you need to keep up with different chains and closed and opening industries.

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