Stratagy for replacing trucks with trains

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    I’m on a Hard setting map, I have some successful bus (stage coach) passenger service between 4 towns (30k+).  I want to replace with a Train Service.

    I immediately removed my bus line to force the people to take the train, but it still took years to get a full load on the train.  Meanwhile I had 40 people waiting at the bus stop for a Bus that would never come.  Should I have let the train service slowly take over and run both in parallel for 5-10 years essentially doubling my running costs but still making money on the bus service?


    I don’t play on a hard difficulty for the sake of my sanity! 😉

    I recommend you make it a slow process, but try to make the train frequency lower than the bus to promote the peeps to travel with the train. Then slowly sent one bus for one to the depot over a period of 5 years.

    The challenge you got is to get the people from the road to the train. This complicate things, because now your busses has to be rerouted to the station and the train must be superior faster in speed to offset the frequency advantage your busses have.

    Try to make a intercity train line, connecting all 4 towns with the train line and put ’bout 4 trains on the line, but it depends how you design your rail network. The signal placement is crucial in this endeavour and also where you want the trains to switch.


    1. make train line one full run, all stations 2. use line manager and send all buses to depo at one click 3. onece the buses are in depo, asap delete the old bus line as well.  If the line doesnt exist then people go home immediately, so they come sooner to the train station. If you keep buss line on place they stay here waiting for 20 minutes in hope that something come.

    People should re-route thi way quite quickly.


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by gGeorg.
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by gGeorg.

    @gGeorg: Nonono!!! Do not delete the bus line! Read the guide for instruction on replacing the fleet:

    The moment you delete the bus line, the peeps will reset their travel pattern and even cancel their destinations, because the system will identify the destination as inaccessible. The new busses take a while, but not 20 minutes to do a full line cycle. Usually 5 or 8 minutes, depend on how long the line is.


    “because the system will identify the destination as inaccessible.” — Why did I recommend let the train make one full round ? Becouse you establlish the accesibily of the destination.  When you remove the bus one, possibly faster, then agents try to find another way. The another must exist, yes. Well I assume that you are replacing a bus line for train then strart and destions of both routes are in the same cyties.


    @gGeorg I would probably recommend the train line to do 2 loops of the line as the frequency will get closer to the real number. Also when you send all buses to the depot you can delete the line immediately – you don’t have to wait for them to get to the depot.

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