I start this topic while my two trains try hard in the background to get me out of bankrupcy.
The sugestion i have are about the game’s economy and I’m making them because they won’t take much work to implement.
– Cities should demand different goods, not just one generic good. this way you have to supply cities form different sources, no more suplying half the map with one lumber mill.
– Cities should be cateorized in categories: villages(250), town(500), cities(+).
– Villages just demand wood. They can grow to town if supplied with enough wood and if poulation reaches 250.
– Town demand wood and steel. They can grow to city once they reach 500 and enough wood and steel are available.
– Cities demand woood, fuel and steel.
– If a city doesnt have its goods supplied at least 50%, it grows very very slowly. Basically, it doesn’t. If a city loses its supply of goods from some reason it will stop growing, and over time shrink.
– Resources should have maximum capacity (cap) depending on the map. this will force you to supply a factory from more than 1 resource.
– Oil can have a bigger cap if in flat land
– Woodcutter cand have a bigger cap if near a big forest. The bigger the forest, the biger the capacity.
– Iron and coal have a bigger capacity if in the mountains. More mountain, more iron.
This is it. This would be my idea of a decent economy model.