[TOOL] Train Fever Model Converter

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    @SpoorObjecten glad you got it working, i’m looking forward to see it finished 😉

    @JSchultz its a program that generates normal maps, its for sale on Steam, but i can send you the normal map for free, you just need to send me your diffuse/bump map.


    @Pedro, thanx for the reply. I’ll have to look into the program to see if I can use it because I plan on doing some modding when the animation and others are figured out. I have a boat load of MSTS stuff and some of my own that I can convert for the game. I’m wanting a CabForward and BigBoy in my game as well as a bunch of trucks I got from 18 Wheels of Steel. I just need to figure out how to do chrome on the trucks for this game. I might just have to change them to grey for the chrome tho. Either way, I have a set of trucks in mind to do. Tractor-Trailer that is.

    EDIT: Thank you for the offer of doing the maps for us if needed.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Tattoo.

    Update 0.2.2

    • Added animation import from .ase format (experimental, may not work properly). Let me know if you have problems with it. This may help fix bugs;
    • Fixed possible problems with model orientation (with .3ds, .ase, .obj). I can check and fix other import formats if they necessary to someone;
    • Fixed smoothing groups.

    You can download it from my site: http://omich.pngamers.org/tfmc.php#en
    Or from russian community site: http://transport-games.ru/index.php/files/category/38-train-fever/ (soon, need admin approve)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Omich.

    Awesome work Omich! 🙂


    Little curious from the more experienced Modelers;


    Can anyone of this chaps free models be used? By that I mean import and convert. I sadly do not own AutoCAD, and need to find Blender add-on.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by KilrBe3.

    ^ Yes, given it’s an acceptable format with the viewer or an editor that is capable to converting it to an acceptable format or even making sure it’s compatible with TF’s means of handling vehicles. It’s a matter of licensing/copyright which could end up being a different matter entirely- or it couldn’t. Some people (like me, for instance) would love to model the vehicle on their own instead of converting models. I don’t know the whole list of what the converter-editor supports so it’s mainly a case by case basis.


    I just used the converter for my model but when viewed in the viewer, the model is dark, with and without the textures. I have no bump or specular maps yet but can’t see that mattering

    Can you tell me if something is wrong with it? No other models I viewed is dark like this. Will have to wait until tomorrow to see how it goes in-game. Time for bed now. Hopefully nothing is wrong with it…

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Tattoo.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Tattoo.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Tattoo.

    There was a problem with the model. There was a hole on top and was making it dark. I went thru the model and it looks good now. I got it to run in-game too but I just substituted the nohab .msh file and the texture in the .mtl file and I used the bogies from the nohab so it looked goofy. But the model worked. I can’t tell if it lags any more from the 2048×2048 texture tho because my game lags without it but doesn’t seem any worse as far as I can tell.

    Here it is in the viewer. I don’t know how to take a screenshot in-game yet.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Tattoo.

    If you have problems, can you attach these .msh and .msh.blob files? From which format you exported them?
    I recommend to use .3ds, .ase. obj for static geometry and only .ase for animated. Actually my program may supports all of those formats: http://assimp.sourceforge.net/main_features_formats.html but support of the most of them untested and probably need fixes.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Omich.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Omich.

    I in my hand am very happy your converter can take .lwo files. Works like a charm. 🙂


    @Less, that really didn’t answer my question, but okay. I know it COULD be, I was wondering if anyone COULD test and see if it can be/look at the files, as I don’t touch CAD and those .ipt formats are all parted out. Legal terms, I understand, but not talking about that at the moment. He has some very solid models, and US models that people here are avoiding like the plague pretty much. Therefore if the community could get a jump start from this wonderful chap, and his permission, then it be great for all of us and win win.

    Least we got a Chessie coming soon 😉


    If anyone can open the STEP file, it’s fully possible to convert from the surface object to a polygon object, thus convert to the game. 🙂

    I don’t have the tools for it, but I used some at work before. They’re not… cheap..


    @Omich, I used .obj to convert my model over. I tried .fbx, .3ds and .ace and they did NOT work so only .obj works for me with your converter.

    Maicom MR

    Hello everyone.


    First, thanks Omich for your tool.
    Well, i have one problem at convert my model(I use Blender and export in .3ds or .obj), the TFMC(TrainFever Model Conversor) convert only one half of model and put this name: “g7dd_$MergedNode_0” (g7dd is model name) someone have the same problem or know the fix it ?

    Thanks all and sorry my bad english.



    .fbx is not supported yet. But with .3ds and .ase – it’s probably bug. Post that files, please, so I can analyze what is wrong with it.

    Maicom MR

    Before converting, try to merge all static parts of model into one mesh, join identical verticies and edges. Also, merge and reset transformation nodes (I don’t know how it works in a blender).

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Omich.
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