Trains/Buses/trunks From other then germey?

Home Forums General Discussion Trains/Buses/trunks From other then germey?

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    as i see on screenshots and videos
    i mainly see Trains/Buses/trunks Mainly(if not only) from Germey

    will there be stuff from Outside Germey aswell? maybe as DLC(or mods maybe)




    i am pretty sure that games like this, would consider DLC-packs or the ability to mod, personally i don’t mind DLC’s for games like this, as it normally makes the quality worth buying..
    in the latest trailer, there is a number of how many vehicles we can expect from the release.. about 50, i don’t know if that is 50 end-game vehicles, or 50 vehicle spread out on all the ages.. the last would mean there would be very few to select from, and would proberly mean we need to buy DLC’s for more.

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