Unstable: Not Responding & Display Driver Recovered

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  • #10991

    Hi There! I’ve bought Train fever and would love to play it, but have been unable to play it with joy because of the unstability I experience while playing the game.

    While playing it crashes/hangs after a couple of minutes (between one and 15 minutes). The process is “Not Responding” and sometimes the OS informs me that the “Display Driver not is not Responding but has been recovered”.

    Things I’ve noted:

    • Most of the time the crashes happen in the middle of the month.
    • Crashing can occur while clicking on an object: station, depot, confirming a track.
    • Crashing can occur just after the game has been saved.

    Things I’ve tried already, without any results:

    • Lowered all the graphic settings.
    • Updated the graphics drivers to the latest version.
    • Increased TDR to 10 sec.
    • Running both full screen and in windowed mode


    • Windows 8 Pro
    • AMD Radeon R7 250X OC 2GB
    • AMD Phenom II X3 720 (3 core 2.8 GHz)

    I doubt it is the system itself since I can play other (heavier) games without any problems.

    My steam username is StevenGroefsema. On the forum I see other users with (more-or-less) the same issues but I hope you can find the cause of the issue. If you need any more information, let me know!



    We’re not able to find any crash dump from you.

    Do you have the “send crash reports” options activated in your settings?

    Or do you have any crash dumps in your steam userdata folder?

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<userid>\304730\local\crash_dump

    Is there any message in the stdout.txt file?


    Hi! The “Send Crash Reports” was already enabled. Also, no dump was available in the crash_dump directroy.

    The stderr.txt is empty. The stdout.txt contains the following:

    PreventSetUnhandledExceptionFilter: 1
    locale name: * (en_US.utf8)

    Startup at Fri Oct 10 19:18:27 2014
    seed: 1412961507

    To be more of help, I played the game and manually created a crash dump of the game when it crashes: process becomes Not Responding. It looks like one thread is looping when Not Responding, since only one CPU-core is being fully utilized by the process.

    Build: 4414
    Dump & Savegame: http://we.tl/lrumFvlhAu
    (available until 17 okt)


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