Why do the doors open on both sides?

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    What the hell?

    Can this be modded or fixed with mods?


    There’s no way of specifying left/right at a station. It would have to be a global mod. Meaning custom events and station/platforms (modders would have to add the events to there projects as well). I wouldn’t say it’s impossible but so far no one in the community has shown there capable to that extent. Maybe down the road when we get more mod-support/tools from the dev’s.


    How could they overlook something so obvious? I hope they fix it because it’s really poor quality to leave something so simple yet so stupid unfixed like that.




    If you send a train to depot while it has it’s doors open, they stay open all the way to the depot!  How daft is that!



    Why are you complaining about something so petty?


    I don’t think it’s petty uzurpator, it’s very immersion breaking and reflects laziness because it hasn’t been fixed yet. It’s a bug, it’s not a feature but they’ve just ignored fixing it.


    Yes, it is petty. So are these:

    – Twindexx and TGV are animated off-rails

    – In the world most electric locomotives are run with rear pantograph raised

    – In steam engines the Heusinger/Walschearts valve gear is incorrectly animated

    – trucks are not placed correctly on roads

    – tunnel entrances for widest roads are too narrow

    – animation of trucks in the truck bays is totally wrong

    – the HBI goods car is too big

    – in tight turns train coaches interect with each other

    These are display bugs, not related to the actual gameplay. In the whole picture these are less important then actual gameplay bugs, such as weightless cargo, or lacking features, such as dual-slip switches.


    It’s superficial, but it’s not petty.

    I agree there are majour problems which are far worse than this, yes. But if I pay full price for a game I at least expect the developrs to take the time and type one line of code which could fix a simple but really ugly problem. Tonnes of other issues like not being able to upgrade stations and glitchy track laying ruin the game more for me.

    They’ve released an alpha of a game for full price.


    Not quite.

    You know who released a game at alpha stage?

    Electronic Arts. I have purchased Dragon Age Inquisition yesterday and it crashes every ~15 minutes on my machine – not an isolated incident, it seems. Train Fever is rock solid in comparison.

    That is release in alpha.

    Train Fever was released in late beta/release candidate stage. In comparison to tons of software out there, even on release it was quite well made.

    Granted. I would like a game that runs at 60fps without stuttering, has maturity of OTTD, economical model of Railroad Tycoon 3 and orgasmically nice graphics. But constraints on software devs are what they are and in comparison, that is a petty problem.

    BTW – I am a software developer 🙂


    I genuinely feel the developers of this game don’t get enough appreciation in the forum. For a handful of them to release this game, which is very stable, is nothing short of astonishing. Yes there are things missing and there are bugs but there will always be. I’m sure they have a list of 200 issues to address and I’m sure door animation is somewhere on that list, but I for one am glad they released the game when they did and personally would have paid twice as much for it – I’ve played about 50 hours of it for the price of a cinema ticket.


    Well I really really hope they fix it, I’m still let down after Cities in Motion 2 devs left so much undone and kept releasing DLC to milk people for money (like the ends of trains being a flat untextured surface, easily fixed but they were just too lazy to do something for free)

    So I really hope the devs of this game don’t abandon it like other devs just leave bugs in games and call it “finished”


    Edit: do you guys think they’ll fix that “auto” shaping of routes where roads become squiggly and stuff? I find that almost game breaking I don’t understand why it’s in the game

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by frogwog.

    Edit: do you guys think they’ll fix that “auto” shaping of routes where roads become squiggly and stuff? I find that almost game breaking I don’t understand why it’s in the game

    I’ve seen this many times. You’d pull a road from another that’s on a curve or something similar and the road would be curved and you just can’t get it straight. Well, I found a way to do it. You have to make a very small radius curve where you’re pulling it from, and line it up in the direction you want to go. Then pull the straight road from that.

    I think because they’re made using splines, that’s why it does it. That’s what you mean, right? Or do you mean when generating a new map? I wish the roads were created straighter too.


    Yeah that’s exactly what I mean, and about the generated maps too. I wish not all the maps were randomly generated, it can be fun but it’s nice to have structured maps with urban areas that aren’t just a mess.

    I think I know what you are saying though Tattoo, I’m try that when building my roads and tracks to hopefully avoid the messing-up, thanks.


    Another petty problem – wheels on the A 3/5 are not round 🙂 and quite blocky. It looks as if one lod level is misssing.

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