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  • in reply to: [RELEASED] Shinkansen #9434

    People have made mods before Steam Workshop, and people will continue to make mods long after it. It’s not ‘necessary’. Download the Mod Manager program from if you need some automated help installing mods though.

    in reply to: [RELEASED] Shinkansen #9369

    Perhaps the wires are designed for that DUALSTOXX train you get at the end? That’s the only train that seems to have natural pantographs, even though it’s pretty big.

    Ola, do your future plans include the AM/MR’s? I’m not sure if you got my reply e-mail, so..

    in reply to: [RELEASED] Shinkansen #9346

    A stunning piece of work by two masterful crafters!

    It’s already seeing a lot of service on my express routes alongside the TGV.  A small thing I noticed though because of its design though is that the pantographs don’t come anywhere near the electrical wires. Any plans to perhaps extend the pantographs or work some other magic to try and make them touch?

    What’s the future anyway? Any plans to make this model in short (4-car), mid and long versions? Any more tweaking? What other trains are you guys pursuing after this? 🙂

    in reply to: Anyone making Danish trains? #9117

    The Belgian one is inspired by the IC3, there’s a few subtle angular nuances in exterior, but they do look rather similar. Wouldn’t be as hard (I think) if one uses one as a starting point for the other, rather than having to go from scratch.

    Also, Ola, I replied to your e-mail, not sure if you got the reply, haven’t heard back yet… :s

    You seem to be remarkably busy with helping other modellers and modders finish up their projects too though!

    in reply to: Belgian Trains #8855

    Even een kleine heads-up voor eenieder geïnteresseerd in de Belgische treinen: het zou kunnen dat de AM75 & AM96 binnenkort gemod worden voor Train Fever. Iedereen die technische informatie heeft over beiden of beeldmateriaal (foto’s, technische fiches, zijaanzichten) dat het modelleren zou vereenvoudigen, gelieve mij dan ook te contacteren per e-mail, te vinden op mijn profiel.


    Yeol: Kan je een beetje toelichten waar je dan precies aan denkt? Mijn kennis (en vrees ik, mijn interesse voorlopig) reikt niet verder terug dan de klassiekjes (die nu als CityRail zijn gemoderniseerd). Het enige dat ik me vroeger dan dat kan herinneren zijn de geel-groene diesels die Antwerpen-Mol deden en dergelijke..

    in reply to: any one working a japanese Shinkansen train #8610

    I’d like to add that there’s a prize given to the person that makes the best one [or the first one, depending on how many are made] 🙂

    in reply to: [RELEASE] Stadler Flirt #8609

    I think that’s a bit of a grey area, material packs are usually things the devs make a lot of money on (see: Cities in Motion 2). They might want a slice of the pie on those. And I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard of someone asking payment for UI/Gameplay mods. That’d be a new thing.

    If anything though, you could do some mods you normally wouldn’t on commission and then release the end result as freeware (after payment). Plus, asking people to pay for your mod [or at least every person interested] is going to detract anyone that might be interested in doing mods for free.
    Regardless, I’m glad you’re interested in my 2 trains! Feel free to mail me (not sure if the forums have a PM system) to iron out payment details and other stuff. That way, this thread won’t be needlessly sidetracked any further.
    My e-mail should be on my profile page.

    Lastly: The price on the FLIRT is a bit steep though; 4,2 mio for it and 4 mio for the TFV? It’s a bit… steep, me thinks.

    in reply to: [RELEASE] Stadler Flirt #8545

    Ah, I see.
    Well, I couldn’t pay your bills with modding, but I wouldn’t mind paying you to make 2 Belgian rolling stocks I’d love to see in Train Fever. Especially at the quality you put out! Would you be interested in making them per commission?

    It’s basically the AM/MR75 and AM/MR96 of the NMBS (Belgian Railway).



    Regardless, thanks a bunch for your time, consideration and the amazing Norwegian stock. 🙂

    in reply to: Cant demolish High Speed track #8535

    Maybe it’s too long for the game to keep track (ba dum tss) of what it’s supposed to demolish? Have you tried breaking it into small pieces by adding branches/switches at certain points?

    in reply to: [RELEASE] Stadler Flirt #8534

    Quick question, are you planning to stick to Norwegian stock? Or can we tempt you into other countries too that may otherwise get ignored like *cough* Belgium, just to name one?

    in reply to: Dutch Trains #8478

    Quick question, are you planning to feature animated doors? I can imagine a 3D model not needing one, so I’m wondering if you’re going the extra mile.. It’d be a bit jarring otherwise though!

    in reply to: Dutch Trains #8372

    Thanks for the heads up, I’ll make sure to use the correct names then from now on. I looked up the grey and orange, it doesn’t look that nice [to me]. My memories only go as far as the bordeaux scheme with yellow accents, so I’d love that scheme much more.

    Are the MR75’s still getting modernised, by the way?

    in reply to: Is The TGV Ever Profitable? #8364

    I actually have. After reloading the save maybe… 5 times after bankruptcies and really being hell-bent on making the damn thing work. I got it to return 5 million annually so far with a ridership of approximately 50-60 passengers.

    Basically, there’s 2 TGV’s on one line. The line runs from the city I started with in 1900 in the middle of the [large] map to a city up north. In city A, there’s a central station with 5 platforms and 10 converging tracks on both sides (the construction of which nearly crippled me for 4 years after a cost of 40 million). In city B, there’s a station on the edge of the residential area. Both cities are fed goods and other lines to closer cities in between. The cities also have bus coverage over roughly 75% of the city area.

    I’ve noticed the TGV is largely being used for work-house traffic. People board the bus at their residential stop in City B, take the train, arrive in City A, take the bus to their work and return. It’s also being fed random people that want to go to City A for leisure by the other routes for some reason.

    Basically, to cut a long story short:

    If you want to make it work, prepare to invest a lot. And targeted. The TGV needs to connect two cities that actually benefit from each other, you can’t just turn your entire network into TGVs. Lastly, it’s annoying how it traverses half the map with tracks guaranteeing a 300 km/h maximum, yet it barely touches 245 km/h before having to decelerate again. Can’t wait for someone to mod an ICE3 or a Shinkansen -remember, the devs are looking for someone to mod a Shinkansen, whoever mods the best one gets a prize!- so we can get some real speed up in here.


    Good luck!

    in reply to: Trains wont load fully? #8351

    Honestly, you can ‘headcanon’ the disappearing passengers by imagining they’re passengers that got caught by a conductor and didn’t pay a ticket. If they’re not paying their 4k to travel to the next town, they might as well not exist. It doesn’t excuse the bug, but it gives it a semi-plausible explanation.

    As for the main topic of this thread: Does the line stop at the same platform in both directions? As Stonelouse said, the people left on the platform might just look to travel the other direction. It’s the only plausible explanation, barring a very unfortunately timed bus unloading 15 people right as the train left.

    in reply to: Dutch Trains #8349

    Aha, I totally agree on getting the models you already have into the game; it’d be a pity to leave stuff unused, especially if it’s ready to go. I’m honoured you’re at least considering the MS75. I’ll make sure to lurk the forums in case you ever bear down on it, I’d love to encourage you when you get a start on it! And of course, as mentioned earlier, I’d be willing to PayPal you something for the effort.

    Maybe I’ll try modding again once you get cracking on it and do the MS86 to keep it company. 🙂

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