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ParticipantI hate jumping in on a topic where my experiences don’t match the authors, but I do have a tendency to toss in my two cents, most of the time when it’s not needed 😉
I am getting very close to the 500 hour mark myself, and do enjoy long lines with lots of stops and lots of trains, and have experience watching trains bunch up around choke points.
What I came up with is, its just as bad having too many signals on a given line, as not having enough. It’s better leaving a passenger train sitting in a station, or a fright train sitting at a merging switch, for a few seconds longer then adding additional signals on the main line.
I use the main line as a spacer, one signal in the middle, two if its long, three if its really long, but regardless I move these signals as needed to keep space and distance between trains and avoid having too many trains trying to move into the same space. Much like real railroads in the early days did before computer controls allowed strict speed and access control to main lines to efficiently bunch up trains.
Train Fever’s signals may not be perfect, but then it’s easer then having to set time delays on every signal. That could lead to a having a train waiting to move into a section of track thats completely empty.
If your looking for train game that allows rigid timing of what happens when, take a look at Railroad X, it allows rigid timing controls, there are lots of mods, but it has a huge learning curve, I have it, but it’s not really my cup of tea. More of a model builder then a game.
Train Fever is a casual game, and part of fun of casual tycoon style games like this is trying to figure out how to get a desired result with the tools the programers give us.
Myself I find loops work best, A-B-C-D then back to A, depending on map size and terrain I may have two or up to four loops with trains running clock wise and counter clock wise, and some lucky city in the middle getting hit by all the loops. My frights are point to point and only jump on the main line if convenient. I make money and it’s fun to watch.
I apologize if my rambling doesn’t address your concerns, but after two too many dark beers I tend to stick my nose where it’s not needed 😉ErstO
ParticipantAfter adding a handful of the Russian mods I noticed they did not have the image_00.tga file in the archive, I can easily add the image in the mod folder so I can see what the mod is while in game, but is there an easy way to add the image so I can see it in TFGM?
This would help as I can not read Russian 😉ErstO
ParticipantI think your right in that its hard coded, but now sure its a percentage of build cost.
Playing with some mods I have one mod that places cargo items around, boxes, pallets, that sort of stuff, the cost to build is 0, but when you go to remove them it cost $10.00
Maybe a minimum demolition cost?
Not a huge deal, but I’ll keep looking.ErstO
ParticipantMy 2 cents
As an American, I like the European look and feel.
I have spent years modeling and building American themed model railroads and find the switch very refreshing and enjoyable.
ParticipantCopy and Past
Here is a small idea, and I am sure I am the only one thinking about this.
It would be nice to have the ability to copy and past text in the train, bus, tram truck dialog window.
I’m an organizer type and I give all my bus’s unique names like “City Bus A1” and “City Bus A2” city being the name of the city the bus is running around.
So as it is I spend a lot of time typing the same text over and over just changing the number of the bus.
I have seen a few saved games and I may be the only person that does this, but it does look cool 🙂ErstO
ParticipantThanks for your input, Haven’t decided on either yet, I’m updating my Windowz box so I’ll hold off modding till thats done.
I was hopping one or the other would help block out old mods that don’t work, I made the mistake of installing too many at one time time then going back looking for the one mod that was crashing the game.
A few other mods loaded ok, but every time I tried to load a save game I had to uninstall and reinstall the mod so I would be nice to see a mod manager giving out a warning if a problem in the .mdl or .lue file
It would be nice to see one or the other mod manager expanded to allow the user to edit some aspects of mods, as an example the “yearFrom” and “yearTo” values in the .mdl file or the cost. But not that important as I still have the ability to edit them manually, it’s the old programer in me that wants to see more features 😉
ParticipantA flyer? urgggg, I’ll quickly use the terrain tool and build a deep mote around your true love and bring in my Gato Class sub from Silent Service that has recently been upgraded with Anti-Aircraft guns, I will shoot you from the sky as you approach.
<cue in evil laugh> Haa Haa Haa HaaaaaErstO
ParticipantForget it Javis, I spotter her, and I set up a dedicated tram line with 2 stops, her house and the train station, the moment she boards the tram I will delete her house and delete her work.
She will board a train to a city unknown and as soon as she gets off I will delete the station, she will be stranded in a strange city and you will never see her again.
Haa Haa Haa Ha
ParticipantDo you have Windows on a Bootcamp partition?
Had problems with TF and OSX myself, but it works ok in bootcamp.
ParticipantStuck in Los Angeles playing train fever for more hours then I will ever admit, and I have had so many different train games through the years I am sort of hooked on the genre.
And like sao above I am also a modeler, but I’m into N scale and focused on the transition era, 1930’s to the 1950’s
September 9, 2015 at 07:44 in reply to: Hang on… trucks can now only carry ONE type of cargo????? #19625ErstO
ParticipantNot joking this time, but I do agree with simonmd … with conditions.
In the early years he is correct, there were no specialty vehicles or companies, few of which were providing specialty delivery to one customer, oil and gas was delivered in barrels and loads of coal and iron ore were transported in crates loaded on the same flatbeds.
But around 1900 that started to change (real word, not TF), bulk oil carries started to appear, bulk haulers started to show up, and the volume increased so much its doubtful any company getting a contract to haul coal would use the same trucks to haul iron ore.
With that said it would make sense to let any lorry carry any load up until around 1920, then you would need to have segregated routes.
The same could be said with trains, I watched many loaded coal trains snake out of the mountains of West Vergina, and many empties climb back up, I cant think of any reason the railroad would use the same gondolas for iron ore. But before 1900 demand was low enough to allow swapping cars to a different route, to carry different loads.
So that leaves us with implementation, do we ask the programers to provide a separate set of rules governing loads for the first 50 years, then the rules that are used for the remaining 170 plus years?
Naaa, it’s a game, just a new challenge for us to figure out.
September 7, 2015 at 22:19 in reply to: Hang on… trucks can now only carry ONE type of cargo????? #19560ErstO
ParticipantSorry mate, my boss says this is a union thing, my agreement only covers goods, you want to haul coal, thats a different union. And Iron? watch out, those union thugs are strong as steel and will shut that plant down if they spot a coal hauler caring iron ore.
ParticipantJust loaded the game and said “wow, somethings different”
Thanks for the update, need to get back to building the empire 😉
ParticipantDo you have Windows on a BootCamp partition?
Had problems myself on OSX but the Windows version works ok in BootCamp, a bit laggy around 1960 when I have a lot of trains and bus lines.
ParticipantI try to keep passenger train transit times down to 5 minutes or less, above 5 I can’t get enough peeps to make a profit, just add another train on the same route to lower the time.
Have also noticed some routes take a few years before the peeps get in the habit of using the line, one advantage of starting out in the 1800’s it’s easy to make enough extra money to wait out the loss until a new line is profitable.