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  • hert

    Why are you comparing a City Building Game with a Transport Tycoon game they are completely separate.

    in reply to: Why is the industry production in this setup VERY unstable? #9563

    You dont want finished goods to be in the center of the city. You want it to be close or in the center of the industrial area of the city. So they dont have to walk that far to the factories that need them. Sounds like you either are not having enough frequency when production is ramped up.

    in reply to: Road bridges and crossings ??? HOW ?? #9389

    You cant build roads over tracks, only the other way around. As for bridges you can use the M key to raise the road for nice looking bridges.

    in reply to: 2 Clients ?…. #9038

    Two clients can work. You need to be able to create demands for the goods at the industries to the towns though for both of them to work.

    in reply to: Late Game Frustration: Replacing Old Vehicles #9027

    All that needs to be done is a replacement button on the line window. This way you can tell what line gets replaced with what vehicle.

    in reply to: How to change the coach order #8999

    You cant edit Train sets to my knowledge.

    in reply to: how to update engines after 15 years #8073

    There is no replacement tool. Easiest way seeing as there all the same age is clicking the send to depot and sell icon. Then buy new vehicles and set the line.

    in reply to: Can't step up cargo routes #7953

    Yep from the looks of it they are bus stations.

    in reply to: Railway not being used #5783

    Assuming your using the steam version you can take screenshots by pressing F12. When you exit the game, you can either upload them or they are saved in your steam folder.

    in reply to: Bus system/tram system #5688

    Bus/tram lines by themselves wont do much. They are used as feeder systems into a greater network. Make sure you spread your stops around the town, and at least have one near your city to city station.

    in reply to: Line Naming Conventions #5406

    City name Tram (City Tram Routes)

    City name to City name eg (Uckfield to Camelford)         City to City

    City name + Industry name     eg (Camelford Iron Mine)  Raw resources to refineries

    Industry to Cityname       eg  (Steelmill to Camelford)         Goods to city

    I think that baically covers all my names i use.

    Sometimes if i need to transfer goods around the city, I name it: (Cityname Goods Transfer)





    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by hert.
    in reply to: Vehcile Replacement Feature #5402

    Ya hope we get a replacement feature soon. Its a pain to replace even small fleets of vehicles.

    in reply to: Industry – Using line: No #5003

    If the industry is dropping to 0 it means you haven’t delivered the goods in a timely manner. And anything else is too far away to take it themselves. Frequency is very important in Train Fever. You cant just make a long train route with 1 train and expect to have stuff at your station like you could in TTD.

    in reply to: Release Impressions #4889

    Well iam impressed with the game. It really is a lot of fun, on the lines of playing OpenTTD. They just need to continually polishing and adding features.

    in reply to: Differences between difficulty levels #4033

    Starting money. And maybe higher running costs and less money on transporting. Though would need a beta tester to tell you the details.

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