Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI can understand the opinion of tattoo.
Train Fever should be like Transport Tycoon so that there can comes up a real feeling of “Train Fever”. It is not enough to say for a “small price” it’s ok to have a bit of it. In that case it sould not be named als “Train Fever”.
Train Fever should give us the possibilities like Transport Tycoon had done. Built Railroads across the whole Map. Find ways around Mountains who your Lokos can effort at early 1900 and later in the game with better trains, restructure and optimize all your lines.
If this Game will be successful (and it has really the potential for it), the devs should now very quickly bring out a couple of new trains, possibilities to build and use a tons of Railroads on a map. The goal of the game should be Train Fever not Cargo Manager!
Participant– Use a generation query for the highest level of a spawned city and set this to the max spawn hight for factories.
Ore and oil are ok to spawn at the top of mountains… but factories?
– btw: this query can also be useful for the “important landmark” idea of aymerico
ParticipantVielen Dank für die hilfreichen Infos 🙂
ParticipantVielen Dank für Deine ausführliche Antwort.
Vielleicht weiss noch jemand eine zu meiner Frage 1 & 2?
ParticipantI hate DLC’s. Give them 2x a half and carry twice the price… same as early access. behavior (I’m happy not in train fever)
Participanta minimap with filters would be nice, jep.
ParticipantOften I read that “realism” is a important part of the dev’s. So in my opinion it would be nice if the positions of factories are based on the hight map. For example, that a Oil-Refinery is not positioned at the top of a mountain.
Also I would be happy if the numbers of factories compared to mines are better balanced.
I’m sorry about my awful english 😉
ParticipantVery well done. douglas! I hope you will conitnue this nice guide in future.
Participant1. X und Y Weichen sollte es in einer eigenen Baufunktion geben. Schöne, und kurz aufeinanderfolgende Weichengruppen oder gar Rangierbahnhöfe sind momentan nur schwer, wenn überhaupt baubar.
2. Die Möglichkeit Gleise parallel unmittelbar nebeneinander ziehen zu können fände ich auch wichtig. Möchte ich wie in der Realität Gleise direkt nebeneinander führen, zieht es mir das nachträglich erstelle Gleis beim Bau ständig “magnetisch” über das bereits vorhandene um sie zu verbinden.
3. Um auch komplexere Verbindungsknoten auf angemessenem Raum bauen zu können, sollten Weichen kürzere Wegstecken haben.
ParticipantPlease change the font color from the positive revenue to a darker green one.
On the white window in hes background it’s nearly unreadable. it is easy to change and helps a lot. thx.
ps: because this forum seems to be a englisch forum i did translate it ( in a very pure form 🙂 )