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  • in reply to: Impossible to build overtaking sections? #6938

    Yes, they toke the procedural city grow algorithm (basically that’s what the game was in the first place).. and added transportation aspects which makes this a game. Some nice work was done in the graphics side (bridges) and the lane aspects of railroad tracks (snapping) but after that, the math behind this game is kinda weird.

    Yes it is working but it is not something for the future. The whole ‘time’ thing needs to be replaced by something that is more realistic so we can build realistic lines that use ‘free’ platforms at stations. And the trains on those lines are actually visually representing the ‘frequency’: stay at station until # ticks to match frequency.

    in reply to: Inspiration for others (share your network!) #6935

    @Gax There are auto save files 🙂

    If you have a good bus connection to the center, more people will use your train :).

    in reply to: Impossible to build overtaking sections? #6927

    The whole ‘agent’ thing is not important. Thats just inner workings of the game and thats fine and all. What it is a about  is the visual representation. Even if they are all equal agents.. you have fast and slow trains. High priority trains and low priority trains. Just for visual and (logical) representation. So waypoints or at least some kind of priority levels are a must in a game like this.

    in reply to: Ore and Coal runs away, why? #6925

    Indeed, the iron ore should not go to the coal mine. I understand your effeciency but now it takes longer to get to the steel mill.

    in reply to: Inspiration for others (share your network!) #6923

    Grouping busstops
    yes i’m dutch :). Sometimes the game automaticly ‘groups’ stops, first ungroup all stops before you begin grouping. The game groups all stops at the same street automaticly (wish i could turn that off as i do not want that). You can ungroup stops by clicking on the stop signs and click on “ungroup”. The game shoud auto group busstops at crossings AND streets.

    Click on a stop at the crossing and in the popup window click the “group” button. When the “group” button is turned blue you can click on another stop to add it to the group. After that you have to select the new group and in the popup you have to repeat the steps to add more stops to the group.

    Most cities have 2 lines in my game. But the bigger ones have 3. And the biggest has 4 :). And they are all profitable :).


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Nique.
    in reply to: Ore and Coal runs away, why? #6917

    In the beginning, just add a couple of trucks. It doesn’t matter if they produce losses in the first few years. The production will increase and then you will get profits. Its like ‘investing’ :).

    in reply to: Impossible to build overtaking sections? #6914

    It would be more natural to have it like this:



    The only problem here is: We can’t set waypoints for the slow train. The only workaround is to add a station at the slow track and let the slow train stop there.

    in reply to: Editing posts #6910

    No, it’s not a browser issue. You can edit your post for a several minutes / times.. after that wordpress disables the button. Very annoying :).

    in reply to: Ore and Coal runs away, why? #6909

    Nothing is wrong. The lines are fine. But you should intensify the frequency to pick stuff up.

    in reply to: New buildings #6794

    I also wish there was a small (very small) test map available. Now i have to wait like 3 or 4 minutes before i can ‘test’ something. Painfull…

    in reply to: Inspiration for others (share your network!) #6792

    Of course you could make 1 line and zigzag all the way through your city but people wont use the line because walking from their home to their destination is faster than zigzagging with your bus through the whole city. More lines makes it possible for people at B and C to get to A in time :).

    Also, with this multiline configuration, people can still get from C to somewhere between the crossing of both lines and B. (leisure stuff).

    The person that takes the purple route with 2 lines that cover a city:

    The person that takes the purple route with 1 line that cover a city:

    in reply to: Inspiration for others (share your network!) #6790

    I want full coverage on the city. The funny part is: 2 of the 3 are making profits. One (the red) doesn’t. But that’s because that line overlays a part of the other line. Never do that, only ‘cross’ other lines so passengers can change there. And that’s why i build these groups of stops at the crossings. So people from one line can change quickly :). Another advantage of laying out your bus stops at crossings like this is that your busses will not cause traffic jams for the whole crossing if they have to load/unload. Do not place a bus 2 meters after a crossing, busses who stop there will jam the whole crossing.

    Close up

    in reply to: Terrain options #6789

    I wish the worlds were created by parameters from a lua script. This way we could tweak at least the settings. Now we cant. I’m living in the Netherlands and 90% here is just flat.

    in reply to: Wishlist for Train Fever #6717

    The game is ‘playable’ but i find it more in a ‘late alpha’ state than beta or release. I love the detail when zoomed in. But indeed, important things are missing. Waypoints, pathfinding .. This game is based on a procedural city engine project.

    in reply to: Warning when electrifying your lines #6715

    Yup.. also, removing tracks is kinda picky.. the collision box for the rail is just wrong (very precise). Not very handy. The game is great at some points. But at other points i really think this game is just something that is a byproduct of more scientific urban planning software (procedural city engine software). The UI is very very simple and a lot of things aren’t finished. For usability the tracks should be demolish-able when you hover your mouse over it. Even when you are hovering in between 2 beams of the track..

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