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  • in reply to: Suggestion for Route window #9269



    I’m sorry that my choice of words were not very clear, and I understand that many of you do not like yet more game slowing pop-up windows. But my intentions were noble, to help the player  (read: me) in localizing potential problems.

    When one has 50+ lines operating, and 300+ vehicles running, one does not check every line, every vehicle month after month if it’s running fine. You expect lines continue to operate as you set them up. But once a line does not generate any income during a full year, something is wrong (broken path, industry stopped producing,…). I would like a notice when this happens. The developers have implemented the window pop-up system, so I proposed to use it.

    But if you like the have another kind of noticing system in stead of the pop-up window (e.g. a pop-up tekst box, a ticker,…. ), that is fine for me, but that is another discussion.

    I hope it’s more clear now. 😉 Sorry for the confusion.


    in reply to: Line design could also include platform designation? #9266

    Waypoints are high on everybodies wish list. I hope the developers are working on it, or have put it with priority on their todo list. 😉

    in reply to: Traffic bug #9265

    I experienced the same weird behaviour with traffic jams. When I install a transport service in the city, traffic grows and end up in a huge traffic jam; all streets clogged up to a stand-still. When I sell all vehicles and stop transport services, all traffic vanishes after a few years, and streets are clear. Very strange!

    So, there are a few proposals I like to formulate to tackle the problem:

    • please, magician-developers, review the traffic algorithm, there is some strange coupling between the public transport opportunities, and the fact the people decide to take the car.
    • take in account the current speed (and not only maximum speed) in the street(segments) to decide if a route is faster by car or not.
    • have made some tools available to us (gamers) to counter traffic jams and convince people to take the train/tram. Normally it should be to install public transport (bugged), but other measures could be like adding parking facilities to railway stations (eg an upgrade option to the station) or building underground parking lots near tram stations.
    • I never got bus lanes working, but probably it’s my error.

    Traffic jams are at the moment game breaking, because they tent to snowball out of control. Especially, because one expects that by added public transport the number of cars on the road should get lower, but on the contrary, it increases! The only answer to the jam, is stopping all transport services in  that city and selling all vehicles. And that is probably not the way the game should function, I think.

    in reply to: Anyone making Danish trains? #9118

    Also, the Belgian AM96 are the electrical look-alike of the Danish  IC3, which are diesels, if I’m right.

    in reply to: Need some explanations and advices.. #9111

    @theuros wrote:

    “i’d like to have some more info about game mechanics…”

    We all do! Not only about game mechanics but about the entire game. Manuals are still missing, ingame info is spares, error feedback is confusing… We are all waiting for manuals. Untill then, it’s trying, testing and finding out by reading on fora and experiences by playing the game. 😉

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Yeol.
    in reply to: Need some explanations and advices.. #9084

    Q1: I have better experiences with 2 trains that serve the 2 station on one line, then 2 separate lines with 1 train each. But is my personal subjective observation, no exact science. 😉

    Q2: If C and D are on one common line C-A-D, you don’t need to connect C and D directly. If you have 2 crossing lines: line C-A-D and E-A-F, then it might me beneficial to make a connection between the surrounding cities (eg C-E, D-F), but it might put in danger your 2 main lines. I would not make the extra connection unless the stions are more the 20-minutes away from city A

    Q3: one big central station reduces the necessity (and time wasting) to get from station to station by bus or tram. Several smaller stations around the city can encourage city grow, but I would maintain a central hub.

    Q4: Passengers station near residential quarter is ok, but cargo lays better near industry.

    Q5: you don’t know. The program will select at random an new destination. There is no general habit, fixed work or other pattern programed for the moment. So for instants each “day” a person is leaving fore work it will be another work place. So, with this kind of behaviour, it is impossible to predict how many people are going to take the train to a nearby city. I would personally like to see this changed, and for instance have that people have near-fixed work places. Only Then one can make traffic statistics and predictions.

    I hope my humble remarks can help you in developing a railway network. Succes and have fun! Train Fever is no exact science, but lot of testing en trying to figure out how things work. 😉

    in reply to: Signaling: what can i do with path signals in stations? #9074

    I got that wrong, sorry. But it would be a nice feature. 😉

    in reply to: My City #9073

    Impressive city centre! I’m also charmed by the looping bridges around the station area. Clever concept!

    in reply to: Belgian Trains #9072

    Voor de Belgische rijders is de KPEV mod (zie ander draadje) ook interessant gezien de hoeveelheid oorlogschadematerieel dat Belgian na WO1 van Duitsland heeft ontvangen, met dus vooral veel KPEV locomotieven en wagons. Zeker blijven volgen, lijkt me.;-)

    in reply to: prussian KPEV pack #9071

    Looking good! Very similar to the already existing coaches (the first available), but it’s the first step. I’m looking forward to the next models of the pack. What models did you have in mind?

    in reply to: Disappointed… #9070

    I use Avast without any problem. Anyway, the developers are working on the McAfee and AVG problem. (see support-section of this forum)

    in reply to: BUG? Bus station 27 passengers max, bus stop not! #9069

    I noticed for the simple bus stop at least 50 people PER line. I’ve no problems with the simple bus stops using with 3-4 lines. I have had huge problems with the bus station, and do not use them anymore, because of all kind of trouble with them. But that is my personal experience, not a  general statement. 😉

    in reply to: Cant see how many trains operate 1 line #9066

    When in the line management window, and you place your cursor over the row vehicles of the requested line, you can use the mouse wheel to scroll through all vehicles, and count them. It not very user friendly, but it works.

    I would also like to see the list of vehicles in the specific line window, with more details and all vehicle manipulation options available (send to depot, sell, …). But that is wishful thinking for the moment.

    in reply to: Renaming vehicles, buildings and lines #9064

    I agree that the text editing functions during the renaming of  a line, vehicle or other should be worked out more complete (use of cursor keys, insert/replace mode, delete button, highlighting, shift functions….). Good proposal!

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