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In a way the current system is really exciting, on the other hand it’s not easy to calculate the placement of stations, and the lines. I sort of randomly place stations in towns to take people from green to other areas. 2 things I tried so far:

1) Making long lines that go through whole green area and then to the rest of the city pretty much everywhere. But then 15-20 stops might not be too good, takes too long.

2) Connect the green areas in pieces eg. 2 or 3 blocks to the rest of the city but then if I want short lines then say, I transport half of resident area to the rest using 2 or 3 different lines, and do the same for the other half. In this case traffic will be kinda messy.

I did not figure out which is optimal for now, I sort of do it by just guessing ‘something that may be realistic and works’…