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ok, I think some people are over thinking it… From my point of view fast and slow trains are just that. One train that is moving faster than the other. Either cause its a different model, has a lighter load, etc. Nothing to do with passengers or goods or express trains, simply one train moving at 40kp/h and one moving at 70kp/h. (as an example)

And the idea that i’m using is kinda the opposite of what I think works, where you can have 2 locos running the opposite direction, one will move into the “spur” while the other waits.

I actually think ‘highspeed’ might be right, leave the signal off the “fast” track.

Slow train moves into the slow section which has a signal and now occupies that section, faster train comes up behind it, won’t it take the “fast” track as it is not occupied and the slow train will wait for it cause of the signal?

I would try to test it but I am having trouble loading the game 🙁