Reply To: Single Vehicle(Train or Trucks) Lines & Cargo Vehicle Depots

Home Forums General Discussion Single Vehicle(Train or Trucks) Lines & Cargo Vehicle Depots Reply To: Single Vehicle(Train or Trucks) Lines & Cargo Vehicle Depots


I am playing on hard mode, and testing out cargo.

I see the following:

Small stations: up to 18 cargo with 2 lanes.

Large stations up to 14 cargo with 4 lanes. <- Feels wrong when small station hold more than large…

I think it needs to be fixed and the stations need to be made larger for better pathing where 3 trucks wont cause everything to grind to a halt.

Small stations should hold up to 20 Cargo with larger ones 30-40 Cargo…

Have yet to find a good way to deal with passengers on hard mode and 1950 start :).


  • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Tegron.