Reply To: Want to Run train fever but Intel HD4400 Graphics

Home Forums General Discussion Want to Run train fever but Intel HD4400 Graphics Reply To: Want to Run train fever but Intel HD4400 Graphics


Intel HD graphics are integrated graphics cards, they’re basically terrible. If you want to seriously play games I would recommend dropping £500 or so on a new computer without an integrated graphics card (so Nvidia or AMD, you can look on google for performance comparisons) and that should last you a good number of years to come. You could get cheaper but then you might be sacrificing longevity. And of course if you build it yourself you can reduce the cost as well. That being said of course, you can always upgrade specific parts later to extend that, but again would require you to do that yourself. You might be able to upgrade your current PC but…

Edit: This isn’t a laptop is it? If so you can likely forget upgrading it.

It would also be useful to know what your processor is like, since I think train fever can be pretty processor heavy too with all the pathing and citizen tracking it has to do.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Person012345.