Another beta video – Or stream rather.

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  • #3942

    does that 20 minute limitation really apply to goods transport? and if yes, do you know if it can be modified?

    because for goods transport the amount of goods that can be transported at once should be more important than the time, otherwise we would have to create unrealistically short goods trains with an unrealistically high frequency, instead of having one longer but much cheaper train transport the same amount of cargo.


    Yes it does – Whether it can be modifed or not I am unsure of.

    As I remember it the amount of goods is equally important, but your customers also want their products on time. Passengers supposedly put more priority on the frequency of the transport than amount. Whereas goods have a mix of the two – They value large shipments (within the limit of each town) but frequency is less important (though still within the 20 minute limitation)


    And another video is up – New beta patch, lots of line tweaking and train replacing.

    (Video is still being trimmed by Youtube – You can probably skip to around a minute in if you don’t hear voice straight away)


    And the last episode of my Beta series is up.

    Unfortunately a sudden internet outage put a very sudden end to the evening. Long before I had planned to end with a completely silly railway finale. I tried to stitch up the footage as best as I could – annotations where relevant.

    I’ll be back to Train Fever after a few days of rest – Might play some city builders in the meantime.


    Aaaaand I’m back again – More Train Fever as well as a return to my core genre, city builders. Startopia and Pharaoh in the near future depending on how fast I can fix the kinks with OBS.


    Finally got off of my lazy butt and made a Channel Update – Just so people know how the channel is going forward in terms of content.

    (My Noise Gate filter kicked in on its own somehow so there’s a lot of ackward silence – I’ll see if I can put some background music on these to avoid that in the future)


    Guess who’s back, back again… Mansen’s back… Tell a friend. Heh…

    Anyway – After an unintendedly long break I’m finally back to playing Train Fever again. With a few mods to boot.

    (“Season 2” at the bottom – Two episodes up already with another two being processed right now. Streaming tomorrow night)


    Another two videos are up – Last stream was a short one (busy busy)

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