1. Big Truck station has storage 16 per platform. Normal Truck station has storage 18 per platform.
I guess it is a mistake. Big Truck station is double in all meaning so the storage should be 36.
2. Cars in the 2 lines block each other inside the Normal truck station. If there are cars waiting in one lane, cars in the second lane cant go. Spotted with “Opel 95Km/h 11slots”.
2. Truck stations get easily overflow by a train station then gods disappear. The gods must not be simply flushed out. Could you consider the stations in a group same as a train so the object must be loaded? Lets have an example: the train comes with 100 units. Train station receives cargo, some could send to customers directly, some sends to Truck station. The truck station is in the same group. So the train station load the truck station to full, then wait. When the truck station loose some cargo units, then it could be loaded again. There is a back-yard next to cargo station’s house, this empty space could be populated to animate cargo waiting to ship out.
Thank you for a fix the issues.
This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by gGeorg.