[BUG] – can't bulldoze tunnels and rails

Home Forums Support [BUG] – can't bulldoze tunnels and rails

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  • #6111

    After playing the game for at least 30/40 hours I found this annoying bug.

    Sometimes you can’t delete with the bulldozer a segment of track that you have built, mainly tunnel tracks. My current map is scattered with small undeletable tracks and tunnels.

    I noticed that It happens mainly when you build a tunnel, and particularly when you build it in two or more pieces joining them from opposite directions.

    I hope that the needed revised construction tool will take care of this bug too.


    Same here.


    I have the same problem.
    I build a long railroad from one train station to another, but i didn’t connected the railroad to the second train station at the first time. I build a second very small pice to the train station and connected each other.
    Now I’m not able to bulldoze any part of the railroad. The railroad has two tunnels in it too. Maybe that informations helps. It costs 2,34 M to build it.



    I have the problem too.

    I have found if you build a junction into the pieces that you can not demolish you can then demolish parts of it again, but this does not work tunnel with!

    Please can someone help!


    epic void

    Any screenshots? Im curious. This never happend to me 🙂


    Here are some screeshots.

    Hier ein paar Screenshots zu dem Problem.

    ” alt=””http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/150x100q90/538/mRLH0U.jpg” border=”0″>” />

    ” alt=””http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/150x100q90/908/4GHvy3.jpg” border=”0″>” />

    I try to demolish on both ends of the tunnel  and nothing happened. The problem here is  that this is actually a double track should be! However, it is not possible to create the tunnel a second track.

    Für die Deutschen unter euch!

    Ich habe hier versucht den Tunnel auf beiden Seiten abzureisen jedoch geht das hier nicht. Das Problem ist hier das dies ein doppelgleisiger Tunnel sein sollte. Jedoch ist es nicht möglich an diesen Tunnel ein zweites gleis zu legen. Ursprünglich war der Gleisabschnitt länger der nicht abgerissen werden konnte. Wenn man aber Weichen einbaut kann man das Stück hinter den Weichen und das Stück mit den Weichen abreisen.




    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by frecherTeufel.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by frecherTeufel.

    Had this very same problem a few times

    This bit of track in the screenshot cannot be deleted, not matter how much I try, move the camera, click in all possible places, can’t get rid of it.  Please fix this big, thanks.  I can send the save game to anyone who wants it.


    I hope that the Devs read the forum and consider fixing this bug as a priority. I like to build and rebuild my lines, and my maps are constantly scattered with undeletable pieces of track…



    The RedKing

    Hi there,

    try to place signals to the sections which can’t be destroyed. This seems to change the ‘state’ of the track after which you can destroy it again.

    If the section is to small, extend it again with extra track. Then place signals on this track.

    This works for me every time. Play around with the signals, trying different locations if it doesn’t seem to work immediately.

    I didn’t encounter an undestroyable tunnel yet, but perhaps this will work as well. You need to extend the entrance and/or exit then, as no signals can be placed inside the tunnels.

    Also, read this http://www.train-fever.com/forums/topic/track-demo-bugs/.

    Hope this helps!


    you can delte it but ist so fucking hard to get this small peace of track klicked in with the mouse …zoom in and move the mouse up and down over the peace of track and you will find the right Position for the mouse 🙂 I know ist hard but you can manage it.

    Removing tunnels is not working @ the beginning or end thats right. You have to select building track, zoom in and then follow the tunnel…..without selecting building track tool you cant see the tunnel :-). zoom in and find the part in the middle between ending and start of a tunnel………switch to removing tool and then move the mouse up and down to Highlight the tunnel…..remove it and finished ……….

    This happens always when you build a long part of track in one peace. You have to find the middle of the whole track to remove it.

    Its badly programmed 🙂


    greetings Markus

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by SFG.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by SFG.

    Never had any problem on deleting tunnels, just zoom out and over the mouse across the underground area of the tunnel (not the entrances) and it will light up yellow, then delete.

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