Crash loading savegame

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    Today I tried loading my old modded savegame from an older version. Loads as it should, but if I hit the unpause button, all vehicles start moving and 2 seconds later the game crashes to desktop without any error message. If I leave it paused I can check out the whole map without issues. Here are the crash_dumps.


    `d:\urban\steam_build_x64\release\src\game\ecs\transportvehiclesystem.cpp:702: ecs::TransportVehicleSystem::HandleVehicleArrived: Assertion (int)tv.config.capacities.size() == numCargoTypes’ failed.
    MinidumpCallback: dumpPath “D:/Steam/userdata/93447640/304730/local/crash_dump/”, minidumpId “55440ba7-4181-418c-8aad-ef2e25356db5”, succeeded 1
    local time is Sun Dec 21 06:12:20 2014`


    `d:\urban\steam_build_x64\release\src\lib\cgashape\splitter.cpp:30: Verification of m_fSumAbs 33.001).`

    It would be a shame to lose this savegame, as it took me several days to connect all cities by train and still make profit. If needed, I can upload the minidump.

    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by Nozomi57.
    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by Nozomi57.
    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by Nozomi57.

    Did you modded something related to cargo recently? Seems to me like a required parameter (numCargoTypes) is missing in one of the models.
    I always back up the complete game folder before any modding..


    Yes I did. I forgot to install the old version of an industry mod. Now it’s working again. Thx!


    Yoopieee!!! 🙂 🙂

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