game freezes/crashes when zooming in

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  • #4951


    I have just installed the game via Steam. The game world loads up fine and I am able to use edge scrolling to move around the map, however when I zoom in closer to the street level the game freezes or crashes. I have tried varying the graphics options and even on lowest settings this issue continues still.

    My system details are below.

    Hope you can help and thanks in advance.


    Intel Core i5 M460 @ 2.53 GHz

    Memory 4 GB

    64 Bit Windows 7

    Graphics card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD5650 (latest drivers) 1GB dedicated graphics memory and 1690MB shared

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by ihuggo.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by ihuggo.

    I also had the very same issue. Only zoom in would crash the whole thing. Although, when I set every aspcet of the graphics to “low” or “off” (lowest), it finally stopped crashing on zooming in. The game is still laggy though…

    I think this game is simply requiring too much resource to run.


    My system detail is

    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         860  @ 2.80GHz

    Memory: 4096MB RAM

    Card name: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series

    Display Memory: 2549 MB

    Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit


    Hey ppl.

    i´m using the amd driver 12.6 and the zoom in/out works now.

    you should maybe test an other older Driver.

    My system:

    Win 7 prof 64
    AMD 945
    ATI Sarphire 4890 OC – 1024mb
    4gig ram

    bg Shang.


    I had the same issue. I was able to solve it.


    All graphic-settings were set to the lowest possible values. Resolution was set to 1024*768 pixels.


    Since I done that I can play the game, without crashes. Graphics is not this bad!


    Win 8.1 – 64 Bit

    AMD Radeon HD4800


    Max AGC


    I have the same problem. With the lowest setting too.


    it cant be this problem i have a beast of a pc and it still laggs

    i have a

    fx 8350 oc 4,8

    16 gb ram

    r9 290 oc

    so i dont whats wrong whit it

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