Grouped station problem,

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    I’ve found a problem with grouped stations.

    I started a new rail line from a station that’s grouped with a bus stop, the game assumed that it is bus line, not a rail line although I selected the ‘rail line’ tab before starting the line.   This resulted in a dysfunctional line that you cannot assign trains to.

    It looks like you need to un-group a station before assigning to new line.   This should not be necessary!

    This leads me to ask a question; what’s the advantage of grouping stations apart from the convenience of a single name?


    i believe the only advantage is a single name

    disadvantages are numerous


    I had this problem a couple of times and each time it was because there was a problem with the train track with a tiny gap somewhere, missing electrification or wrong signals.  So I suggest that you check for these first.


    One way to force a train line is to delete the road between the towns, and then if it does not show the train line then you have one of the problems I stated above.


    Grouping is working but you didnt got a really advantage … perhaps one Station thats all 🙂

    The TrainLine isnt shown correctly thats right in the line overview, but when you assign a Train to the line it will work (then it will be shown as a railroadline as well) as long as the railroadtracks are ok.


    greetings Markus

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by SFG.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by SFG.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by SFG.

    Positive to the line overview which erroneously includes rail line in the road vehicle only filter.

    Don’t know if the issue about unable to set the train to line due to grouped station has been fixed. Since the line overview bug hasn’t been fixed yet, I assume this is still the case. My guess is that you accidentally clicked the bus stop/terminal while creating train line, this function is supposed to allow you to select a specific side in a  bus/tram stops group when they’re grouped together automatically because you lay the second stop right on the opposite side of the road. If you don’t select a specific stop, the program automatically designate either stop for the line.

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