How to run 2 trains on a single line?

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    My recently added second train refuses to use the second platform of a station. Since the first one is blocked by train nr. 1, who can´t leave because train nr. 2 stands in front of the station,  nothing goes anymore.  My line shows it only uses platform 1, how can i tell it to use nr.2 as well? When creating a line, is there an option wich platform to use?

    I use signals and a passing loop between my stations. Signals in front of stations and at the end of platforms, same goes for the passing loop.

    I created an additional line for the second train wich automatically was put on the second platform, but the trains still don´t move. So what did i do wrong?


    Hard to tell without a screen, but i did a single line with 2 trains like this 

    One way signals and launching the 2nd train to A when 1st one is near B (depends where your depot is)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Tumb.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Tumb.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by gax.

    Don’t place signals before switches, only after.


    Thanks Tumb, it now works.

    Dakdak your guide is good and i even red the section about signals today, but i unf. forgot about it.  Comes with the age i guess.


    Hello there,

    I’m stuck with another case … How can I have one line and two platform… How to post proper signals… both trains plan to go always on the same platform (they’re connected correctly) so they’re both stuck at the station with a free platform…

    Main Line —————–<========= Platforms

    Thank you for your help.


    Hum… I think I found my answer… just no signal do the trick! Strange.


    Lines always take only one plattform, even if you have multiple trains serving the line.

    It looks like this then:

    <|                Platform
    |>          Platform

    _ = Track used by a line
    –  = Track not used by a line
    \  = Switch
    |> = Signal controlling traffic in the direction it is pointing

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