i corrupted a train (av_n.mdl). please help

Home Forums Modding i corrupted a train (av_n.mdl). please help

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    I’ve downloaded more than 50 trains, and today i fiddled with the game directory, and now game can’t load because it cannot open


    I would be happy if some of you who have many mods would search for this model and tell me what train it is so i can download it again and play the game.


    Please guys, thanks.

    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by medopu.

    I believe it is this one? http://www.train-fever.net/filebase/index.php/Entry/517-Bayerische-AV/

    It’s a bummer modmakers don’t name their filenames sometimes better 🙂


    thank you so much! You are absolutely right.

    Unfortunately, i found out my problems got very very deep.

    This “av_n” chrashed my game at 11% on loading screen. After reinstalling it, i got another crash at 12%, and at 16%,17%…. so on. I gave up.

    It started by me trying to be a smartass, editing a few train-model files, because i wanted english description, not german.
    When i finished, i started the game and got that cascade of errors.

    Silly me I only made a back-up of the files i edited. I should’ve made a backup of the whole game! Anyways, now the old savegames don’t work and i’ll just get used to this and remember, never to edit vehicles ever again. At least not without full backup 🙂

    Thanks anyways and happy holidays 🙂


    If you’re on Steam, delete all local files and re-download the game.
    Helped me once with MaxPayne..


    that’s what i did 🙂

    Reinstalled game and started a new game. it works.


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