Hello team, firstly danke schön for an already addictive game. Played on my PC loads already.
My mac however, won’t run. Mac OSX 10.7.5, which allegedly runs according to your specs.
Steam installs it fine, but when you run it, after 3 seconds where I’m shown in game in my friends list, I am returned to the library screen. Nothing visually changes. Occasionally I get a small window saying it’s loading, but 90% I don’t.
From my steam console log, I get this:
15/09/2014 12:31:24.264 [0x0-0x49049].com.valvesoftware.steam: /Users/Administrator/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Train Fever/run.sh: line 2: 2621 Segmentation fault: 11 DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ./TrainFever
This is the only log I can find that indicates some sort of error. It’s referring to the small shell script created there.
Any thoughts? I can’t find anyone else with this issue.