Love the look of this game, but really can’t commit before I see some gameplay. I loved Cities in Motion 1 (and Trnasport Tycoon was the 2nd game I ever played after Theme Park, and I still play Railroad Tycoon 3), but Cities in Motion 2 lost a lot of the atmosphere with it’s generated cities – they became bland and I simply didn’t care much for them in the end, so that’s one of my concerns. But yea please get some gameplay videos out there so we know what we’re potentially buying 🙂 Quill18 just mentioned he was looking forward to the game on this Dwarf Fortress video, so he’d be pretty good (he does a whole ton of strategy/simulation games)
Well I’m trying to encourage them to release something to more trusted names in Youtube to let us see what it’s about 🙂 Obviously that wouldn’t include gameplay footage from the developers themselves, and there isn’t much virtue for being “small” on youtube these days
The only good footage of the game is the pre-Alpha video from (german) and the small gameplay video from Basil. Both are way too old. No matter if they point out bad points of it. If there is nothing new to point out the good things, I doubt it will become very popular. I talk to people in old RT3 forums and they don’t even know about train-fever. 😉
Ah but if you had the game you couldn’t do it due to the NDA :p. The lack of awareness is a definite negative – I’m a massive RT3 fan (still play it) and hoping this game’ll scratch that itch.