Release Impressions

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  • #4848

    For Steam and all its affiliated games, you should afford at the very least 500 GB, if not 1 TB.
    For the Save files, just create a desktop short cut to the save folder, from time to time delete some old autosaves, problem solved.


    Azrael and co, just because you don’t personally suffer from a particular issue does not mean there is no issue.

    I have steam on a 240GB ssd because I’d rather actively manage my library and have blazing fast read speed. My c drive is a smaller ssd because it shouldn’t need to be any bigger. I have a 500gb drive, but I use it for sorting raw video and I don’t want it fragmented to hell. These are fairly common setups these days.

    In no way can it be reasonable for a game to work this way and the answer be to have to buy a bigger hard drive if you want to play. Tens of gigabytes of save files for a single play through are just totally unacceptable, as is expecting players to know how to symlink the save directory properly.

    No evidence of harm is not evidence of no harm. If the devs don’t get on top of these very public issues quickly it will hurt game sales. How many patches and updates do you think we’ll get if the game fails to sell well?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Morat.

    Well iam impressed with the game. It really is a lot of fun, on the lines of playing OpenTTD. They just need to continually polishing and adding features.


    It is not that complicated to clean up your savefolder. Desktop shortcut, select auto saves delete and youre done.
    I basically don’t get your problem.

    And btw you can compromise your saves folder, should make those files smaller too

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Azrael.

    It is the easiest thing in the world to be negative and complain about one or another thing.

    However negative talk and compliments should of curse not be disregarded, but good feedback is much more valuable for the developer team and creator of something.

    I think this is a very good start to something that can truly be great, and I believe we will see new features and improvements as times go.

    Instead of giving what I call bad feedback, give the developer team and creator some good suggestion on thing you would like to see changed, and do it in a polite and well-behaved tone. I know it is hard to be positive minded and not rant about negativity, but in the end it gives a much better environment and tone. 😉

    It is just my two cents in general.

    I like this game and I can see the potential it has.


    Well, the only sentence which can be described as a mini rant would be the last one in my post, the list was clear and constructive feedback, then the summarization and the remarks about the value of a dedicated QM staff position for the beta/release phase.


    I dont see bad feedback or “being negative” except for the last sentence…

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Yemo.

    For 2b, you realise there is a button for each line that sends all vehicles on that line to depot and sells them automatically right? You click that button, buy replacement new things and click set all to aforementioned line. It’s not remotely difficult they way they have it set up right now.

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