So far the game is quite good, but some improvements are needed!

Home Forums General Discussion So far the game is quite good, but some improvements are needed!

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    I’ve played the game until 1928 and managed to make a lot of money at medium difficulty level.

    The game is good and has a lot of potential.

    This is my list of suggestions to improve and/or fix the game:


    – Fix the lagging/stuttering problem (I have a medium/high PC and it lags too).

    – Fix the clunkiness (and lagginess) of the interface. The shortcut keys cease to function or freeze at random. The same happens for mouse scrolling (it stutters and cease to function very often).

    – The autosave function cannot be disabled and this contributes to the stuttering and lagging problem.


    – A big improvement would be the possibility of laying track projects in segments before actually building them (as in A-Train and other trasport simulators).

    – An easier way to lay short bridges and short tunnels (to intersect city roads) is needed too. At the present, only long bridges and tunnels are easy to build, but the short ones are really a pain to build.

    – A MAP EDITOR (and possibly a scenario editor adding missions and linking scenarios in campaigns), and more customizations in creating random maps are definitely needed to increase dramatically the longevity of the game. Playing only random maps become boring soon.

    – a MINIMAP is definitely needed too! At present I cannot see my entire network!

    – There should be a way to upgrade rail stations, adding more tracks or lenght if there is enough space.

    – Some statistics/info for the stops and the stations (passengers x hour, catchment area, etc.) would be useful.

    – Long distance transport demand for passengers is a bit too low. At the moment, I see that only short distance lines make a profit. That’s a bit unrealistic. There should be a touristic/commercial demand for far away destinations.

    Thank you and keep up the good work,



    +1 from me.

    Game is quite good and really worth buying. But there are few improvements that could be made like

    +Farms are quite dull looking

    +More variety can be added to landscape

    +More default industries

    +Performance improvements

    +A better save game GUI



    Agreed with topic starter. Game is catching, but need some improvements:

    I think it would be nice to see:

    1) Train station sticking to rails (or even place station over existing rails, if they are straight).

    2) Possibility to upgrade old rails to highspeed one, to upgrade roads that cross rails.

    3) Maybe as advanced option to choose wich way will go train. Its hard to controll trains if there are many parallel rails and they have crossing.

    Sorry for bad English, Elven.


    Except the passenger point I totally agree.
    In my game, large hilly map on easy, to find into the game, My long range lines (4 Cities connected, from about the middle of the lane to the map edge, the train becomes full over time from station to station and the huge bunch of passangers exits the train on the final destination in the middle of the map.
    I can’t imagine, that passenger behaviour changes that drastically from easy to medium.

    The devs alrdy announced, that some of the points, you all brought up here, are alrdy planned to be fixed, one of them the ability to build roads over tracks.


    Azrael: “In my game, large hilly map on easy, to find into the game, My long range lines (4 Cities connected, from about the middle of the lane to the map edge, the train becomes full over time from station to station and the huge bunch of passangers exits the train on the final destination in the middle of the map.”

    I agree with you, making profit on long routes is possible, but I bet that you have high train frequencies on those profitable long routes. I think that this is a lack of realism. In the reality (especially during 18th and 19th centuries), until the high speed trains, there were hardly more than one daily ride on long routes.

    I’ve learned that the game repays well only high frequency routes (the 20 minutes paradigm), and this is realistic for routes between near towns, but it’s a bit unrealistic for long routes. IMHO, for a better simulation, the “20 minutes rule” should apply only to commuter traffic between near towns, while connections between distant towns should benefit from a commercial/touristic traffic bonus (perhaps introducing monuments and hotels?), not linked to the “20 minutes rule”. In other words, there could be two types of passenger traffic, the main being the commuter traffic, but with a little traffic generated by tourism/business even on low frequency routes.



    I mostly agree with the OP…. THough I also don’t notice any lack of passengers in the intercity connections. after a couple of train travels the station is always full… (same for intercity bus lines)

    Realism shouldn’t be so much an issue here… Seriously, my passengers on bus stations are waiting 30 days and pay 2000 bucks…. never seen that in RL πŸ˜€

    @Devs : Thank you for that game, it’s just awesome (though lots of improvement is possible, if you don’t have time / money always think of the modders πŸ˜‰ )….For me, the most pressing matter (yes, most of you wont’ see it this way) are the ugly industry models, they need to be replaced… Please give us a hand in getting new meshes into the game. That would be so highly appreciate, you wouldn’t believe it πŸ™‚

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by starman001.

    Agree with all of you , in addition I think , the game really needs some polishing , tweaking and character and personality adding . At times everything looks dull and monotonous . Maybe little animations of factories working and little visual and audio inmprovements in the city and landscapes.


    Its a nice game indeed πŸ™‚ Β concrats to developers!

    Though some improvements would be nice:

    – When having more lines get confusing: it would be nice if its possible to have lines visible in one city only (and not only all lines in one window with all the cities)?

    -When selecting a vehicle, is it possible to auto navigate where its positioned (not in the ‘vehicle window’ only)?

    -Selling vehicles independently: now its only possible in ‘line window’ only to sell all vehicles, ok you can sell it in depot only. But would it be nice to sell it when the ‘vehicle window’ is also open.

    – Selecting a line where its located would be nice to via the ‘line window’..

    Also im having lag issues sometimes, but not that much. For the people having lot of issues with this, perhaps updating your GPU or videocard will help a bit.

    Hope this helps πŸ™‚

    Thanks and keep up the good work πŸ™‚


    Best regards,



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