Still no performance update?

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    PLEASE Do not troll performance issue anymore. If you have less than 2000 people in your largest cities of major cities have less than 800 people

    Ok… well I am not trolling about performance issues but they do exist, period!
    Of course, its pointless arguing with players about it, that’s why I emailed the dev’s directly instead and they confirmed my findings, even though the samples I gave them were of much lower population than that. They have also said they will be working towards further optimisations.

    One of my threads before I emailed them is here:

    Are we likely to see any additional performance improvements?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by FX2K.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by FX2K.

    its pointless arguing with players about it,

    This is the wisest thing ever said on a gaming forum.

    I have performance issues too with late-period games. Looking forward to an update.


    Kind of.

    If you edit “\res\models\model\asset\chimney_XXX” files and remove all the particle emitters, then newly created buildings will not emit smoke from their chimneys. This yields quite significant speed-bump when viewing cities.

    I tried this and I’ve started a new game on 1950, just to see what happens. I’ve got about 20 lines so far, and it’s hard to say for sure (my pop is lower) but I feel like it’s faster.  I wish there was a way to test a game with and without it, but you’d have to wait for the buildings to rebuild or something right?


    @Uzurpator would you offer the moded chimny files somewhere? Thx a lot.


    AMD 6300 4.2hz (overclocked)

    R9 270X 2gig

    8gig DDR3 ram




    if I ZOOM OUT and Scroll, framerate 10-20. Appalling performance when zooming in/ out. Game is bearly playable,


    I have all GFX on the lowest, I can play other demanding games at 60 frames no issues.


    Just looking over a big city, in the year 1860 with a few bus routes running through, not touching the mouse framerate hovers around the 20-25 mark, why is this so bad? Recently fresh installed the game. Only way to get 60 is to zoom in as far as possible on a patch of grass far away from any citys!


    Following the discussion on the ‘Support’ forum.

    I have removed display of people on towns. There is a SIGNIFICANT speed improvement. Towns are abit deserted right now but nonetheless.

    I had single digit frame rates in biggest cities, now in most viewing angles it is is about 30-50fps.
    My Machine is now 4ghz core 2 quad + radeon 6850. I will be now digging more into this.


    @Uzurpator can you explain how to mod chimney smoke / people out for big preformance improvement? Please.


    I think I will release a mod today which does precisely that. Stay tuned.


    that would be fantastic!


    Watching this with interest and hoping that the above mod will indeed help. I too have a pretty powerful machine that runs things like Flight Simulator X, Train Simulator 2015 and big games like FarCry, Crisis, etc. Yet after the mid/late 20th century, stuttering and low frames to spoil it immensely. I recently got into the mid 21st century with tons of money to play with but gave up due to performance issues meaning it wasn’t playable anymore. Have now restarted back in the steam era and hope the above mod can help before I get to expand in the 20th century.


    Mmky – I added an entry to mod database. It should be ready in a few minutes.

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