Switches, crossings and signals

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    This is desperately needed.

    I really hope this is going to be added in.

    Is there a current list of what the devs are working on for next patch?


    Thanks 😀


    I’m getting beyond frustrated with the signal system. I’m trying to create a complete circle of 3 towns. at 2 points in the track I have to have them cross over. I having trains go in the opposite directions. No big deal, but these signals are ******* everything up. Where are signals supposed to be placed? On the inside of the track, or the outside? It’s making no sense.. These one way signals work for crap, they really need to have a One way directional choosing, it would make everything much easier, and not have to make me build multiple signals in 1 place to get the stupid line to stay where I want it.

    Green and Red arrows for directions, Black is tracks, and the blue circles are signals. The purple represents the arm of the signal

    Any thoughts? I’d love to hear some advice! Or is the system just buggy?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by NeighborKid.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by NeighborKid.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by NeighborKid.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by NeighborKid.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by NeighborKid.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by NeighborKid.

    For two rings route I use your first configuration the most leftones, and set signals to one way.

    That works best for me.


    I have to agree, the signalling system in this game is frustratingly unintuitive; I just had to abandon a very profitable game just now when my main money earning passenger line ended up in unrecoverable gridlock.


    I noticed that signals can cause lines to cycle through possible routes when toggled on and off, maybe this annoying behaviour could actually help when trying to configure the desired layout, I have managed to use it to my advantage a few times, although its annoying that the entire network can change with a single edit to the lines / signal…

    Check out this post with images, it shows two possible routes for a line with the same signal config.

    Waypoints desperately needed

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by FX2K.

    I hope one day, the devs look out of the office window over to the rail track and take some inspiration from the crossings in use there…(if the listed address is where they work from anyway)

    I don’t recall seeing them comment the possibility of additional track crossings.. which is a shame really.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by FX2K.

    In serious need for extra types of switches..


    Have bought it at spring. Today first launched it. It sucks. Absolutely empty graphical shell. There is no game at all. No soul. No choises. No challenges. No fun.

    With fixed routes it is not railways simulation game, it is “train cho-cho in da circle” for 4 years old.

    You definetly can take all from this game by just watching someone playing it on YouTube, it is absolutely the same as if you play it yourself.

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