The lack of communication is unreal…

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    I know you guys focus on game development, and it’s totally understandable if you don’t spend your valuable time lurking on the forums answering questions (although it would be nice if you at least reply to some), but  the very strict NDAs with the beta testers, the complete lack of any information, the ignorance of the requests for English language materials or videos are becoming a bit worrying. I really don’t want daily updates (who has time for that, right?), but at least a weekly update on the development, some English-language videos would be fine.

    You should care about the community just as much as about the press. We are not too many, but most of us are enthusiastic about your game, and all we want is some more information, some answers to our questions and that’s all:)

    Don’t get me wrong, I love what you do guys, but nowadays it’s essential to work together with the community… not giving a damn about them might not be the best idea.



    Just in time, the beta testers have being release from the NDA. And there is already a video in english:


    A lot more should come in the next days. Be patient!


    I’ve never played this game before but those 2 videos were absolutely painful to watch. How can anyone not understand grades, or not grasp that if you want to create a route that actually gets used you should watch what cargo is already moving on the map to see the production chains.  How can someone who’s played cities in motion, railroad tycoon, and transport tycoon not have any sort of intuition about these things???  Then he blames the game for being confusing and not intuitive.


    Couldn’t agree more. That is why I don’t like these kind of videos. I think if you want to analyse a game you have to learn it before and not just play dumb “in front of the cameras”.

    I don’t like to make this kind of videos, otherwise I would do. But I can make a video showing my network.


    yes, the american video was terrible, it gives you more to watch the german videos even though you don’t understand a word German.


    But theres been pretty good coveradge in german videos,  some were posted today  on TrainFever’s Facebook page


    Wish someone would just make a video of a bunch of compilation of different networks, watching the trams, buses/trucks and trains. Thats more entertaining then watching someone who doesnt grasp, basic Transport Tycoon game logic. Sure getting to know the controls and how things tick is different, but production chains and so on are basically the same in every game.


    Just so everybody knows, I will be making TF gameplay videos on my channel (search for Schlick on YouTube) in full 1080p HD at 30 minutes each, but I’ll only be able to get out a short announcement for today. Also, I do know how to play TF 😉


    He seemed to have a lot of trouble placing stations and rotating them, is that actually easy?  His whole method of building a road first seemed insane, but if rotating buildings isn’t intuitive that’s a problem.


    I see no problem. The station automatically snap to the road. Of course there will be times when there is no proper road to build a station in the town. In this case you make a road and then the station. Also you can use keyboard keys to rotate the station manually.

    You can even delete a station to upgrade to a bigger one without losing any of your lines connections. An icon with a time will appear.

    My problem is only with hills, bridges and tunnels that are hard to make double tracks. But that is in the todo list to be improved before launch.


    What i miss as it looks in the videos is the possibility to have roads to the stations parallel to the station, I would say that this is more realistic and would create more dense cities, but since I haven’t played the game I might be wrong…


    Whoops, I just realized that chrome corrected my YouTube username to “Schlik” it’s actually pschlik, sorry >.<

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by pschlik.

    What i miss as it looks in the videos is the possibility to have roads to the stations parallel to the station, I would say that this is more realistic and would create more dense cities, but since I haven’t played the game I might be wrong…


    I don’t understand. You can have roads anywhere. Around the station if you wish.


    yes, but the entrance road to the station appears to be perpendicular to the tracks, giving some not so good looking curves  on the roads leading up to the station… instead i would like to have a road out from the station parallel.. if i made myself clearer..

    like this image from openttd CanStnL.png

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by petepan.

    You can easily do that too.


    Grate! Then I’m satisfied!

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